The Boy Saviour

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I walk into my lab, the night still young as the moon lights up the room. I can't sleep. I know that most people have stopped attacking the gates but Silco's goons haven't. And there's many of them.

I can't blame them. They have no real options. Their options are either submit to a criminal mastermind who just wants to exploit them or a government who doesn't give a shit. That's not much of a choice.

I sit down at my desk, putting the tourniquet on my arm and sticking in the needle. I leave the needle in my arm, rolling in my chair over to my desk.

I pull out my notebook and take out my pen, playing with it between my fingers as I think of ideas. I'm the new Councillor of the Undercity. I need to be helping them. My people.

I spent awhile thinking, my eyes starting to feel heavy as my head started to drop.


" Jacksons." I faintly hear as I'm being shaken.

" Jacksons." They repeat, my eyes focusing as I wake up.

" Mel?" I question, rubbing my eyes.

" Have you been here all night?" She asks me as I yawn.

" Yeah." I nod.

I take the needle out of my arm, looking over to the bag to see it was filled to the brim. Thank god. I would have bled out by now. I try to stand up, getting dizzy and unstable, making me grab onto my desk for support.

" Woah there. Sit back down." Mel tells me, grabbing my other arm and helping me sit down.

Mel goes over to my other desk, pouring me a glass of water and bringing it to me.

" Here, drink this." She tells me.

" Thanks." I smile, taking it off her and immediately drinking half.

" You're overworking yourself Jacksons. You can't even stand." Mel worries.

" I'm fine. The faster I get this antidote done, the faster that blockade comes down." I tell her.

" That antidote is useless to us if your dead." She comments, looking over at my journal.

" What's this?" She asks, picking up my journal.

" Just some ideas I was throwing around." I shrug.

" A housing plan?" She questions.

" Yes, we could give up small apartments and houses to the people of the Undercity. Get them living together, not so segregated." I tell her.

" That's quite a good idea." She tells me.

" Yes but I need to work out all the kinks to this before I present it to the council." I admit honestly.

" Speaking of, it seems like you and Jayce are in the runnings for the head of the council." She tells me.

" Wait what?" I ask confused.

" Oh yes. It seems you didn't just win the hearts of the people of the Undercity but of Piltover's too with how you got them to stop attacking the blockade." She tells me.

" But, Jayce will have the votes of people higher up in politics. People who value profit and non-restricted trading through the Hexgates." She tells me.

" I don't care. I don't need to be head of the council. I didn't even really want to be on the council." I admit.

" No, but the people want you to be. And something tells me those people in higher power that want to vote for Jayce won't be enough against the entirety of Piltover." She tells me.

Arcane League of Legends (Gip oc x Mel Medarda)Where stories live. Discover now