Chapter Two

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[A/N: I don't have motive but I'm writing anyways see how great I am, my generosity clearly deserves a vote, right ;). Follow to keep updated and check out my other stories <3]

~Derek Hale P.O.V~
I listened to him fall over things in his room before he fell through his door. He noticed I seen him fall and blushed a bright red. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't take my gaze from him. He just... Perish the thoughts Derek, you know you might kill him because of his amount of energy. Lost in thought I didn't notice him take a seat on the other couch, he put his feet up and faced me, still smiling.

"So roomie? What are you studying?" He asked.

"Business... The past two years I've been helping my uncle and older sister run our business but they have forced me to get an actual degree, in case I got bored." I sighed and looked into his eyes, he looked interested, although to me it sounds boring.

"Woah. You have a family business?" He stared at me intently as I nodded, "what business?"

"Hale funds..." I muttered.

"No way, I've heard of you... You're from around here? Derek Hale right?..." His fascinated expression turned to one full of pain, "I am sorry for your loss, my mom was friends with your mom when I was younger..." He whispered picking at his fingers. His mom knows mine? I think I know why I found him so... You never found him shit Derek, shut the fuck up.

"What do you study?" I asked changing the sad topic of my life to his.

"Art and medicine." He shrugged.

"Two courses? Why go through that much work?" I wondered out loud.

"Well art has always been a hobby of mine, I was going to go after my dad's footsteps and become an officer like him, he's the sheriff of Beacon hills." So he's a Stilinski? "But something happened, I found friends and they made me beco- feel something and now I want to study medicine to help when they get sick." I have a feeling he's just cut out a lot of needed information but I decided not to push. After all we've only just met and all, he deserves his privacy.

"I know your family, well heard of them anyways."

"Everybody's heard of them," he shrugged again.

"How come you didn't have a roommate?" I questioned, if he has friends like he said why doesn't he share a dorm with them?

"All my friends are sharing a dorm with their ma- partners..." He quickly changed the last word. Was he going to say mates? As in wolf mates? No. No I should smell wolf on him if he was going to but I don't.

"So you have never had a roommate?"

"I- I have had a roommate before... Quite a few actually but you see... I'm not the easiest person to live with, with my ADHD and the clinginess of my pa- friends." Somethings off with him...

"Oh... So people run because you have a higher dose of energy than what is considered normal?"

"Something like that..." He forced a chuckle looking at his hands again, I hadn't taken my eyes from him, it's like I don't know how, "anyways, have you been to any other colleges?"

"Uh, yeah... In New York... But both of the roommates I had died of an animal attack a few years ago... We were close and I never wanted to go back to another one but my sisters and uncle have forced me here..." I finally took my eyes off him and looked at the floor.

"Well I'm glad you have been forced here because I have a feeling we are going to be great friends." He beamed and I couldn't help but chuckle lightly. Maybe we could be friends. No Derek that wouldn't be smart... Look at your old roommates... Paige, your best friend and Sammy your last boyfriend, your best friends older brother that is. You killed them both. Never again. Never.

"Quick question," I say, I still needed an answer to something.


"What's with the flour?" I chuckled, pointing to the kitchen. He blushed a deep red and looked to where I pointed.

"I had two of my friends over, and they are really childish. One thing led to another and boom," he emphasised the last word and made an explosion with his hands, which I couldn't help but laugh at. Maybe we would get along after all, m wolf liked the thought of that.

"Okay, I hope this isn't weird but can I have your number as we are now roommates?" He asked shyly.

"Sure," I replied pulling out my phone. Once our numbers were exchanged he got up and headed to his room before closing his door he called out,

"If you need anything knock on." Then the door closed and I thought now would be the best time to unpack. I headed to my room and closed my door. As much as I don't want to get close to Stiles, the way my wolf is howling at me, I think it may or may not be as possible as I'd hope. Let's find out then, shall we?

[A/N: Any comments on how it is so far, like what I should improve on or you know?...]

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