Chapter Five

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[A/N: Derek and Stiles have been roommates for a week, but Derek is getting kind of confused as to why Stiles keeps sneaking off in the middle of the night. Follow to keep updated and check out my other stories <3]

~Derek P.O.V~
It was currently 00:05am and I could hear Stiles running round in his room. Every night since I moved in he's been acting kind of shady when it comes to his 'friends'. He's been sneaking off every night and doesn't get back till around four in the morning. He could be sneaking off to meet someone and when I mean someone I mean someone and that thought makes me uncomfortably jealous for some reason. I've only known the kid for a week and already my wolf is yelling at me to rip out the throat of the person he is meeting up with, with my teeth, of course.

A thud came from his room followed by a hiss of pain, I snorted at the thought that he probably stubbed his toe. "Shit... I'm late again," he muttered to himself before I heard the jingle of keys and the front door being shit lightly and locked. Who has he been seeing lately? Why the fuck are you being clingy Derek, the poor kid has a life too, I spat at myself. I got up from my bed and stormed to the kitchen grabbing a mug and pouring myself some coffee. I need a distraction, not in that way, I'm not sure why I can't get a distraction in that way. Ever since I met Stiles nobody can turn me on, it's annoying because I have no way to release my emotions. Damn you Stiles and your perfectly plump lips and annoying honey brown eyes. I pulled out my phone and began to message Cora, I know full well that bitch ain't asleep.

To Cc:
Yo, bitch face u up?

From Cc:
Stp calilng me btch fce u cunt.

To Cc:
I will once u fix ur spelling, so it's at least a bit more readable.

I could see her eye roll through the screen and I smirked at myself. I grabbed my coffee and walked over to one of the sofas and slumped down on it, waiting for her reply.

From Cc:
Y'd u mesasege me 4?

To Cc:
I need help, that's why and I mean ASAP.

From Cc:
Oooo. Gosisip?????

To Cc:

From Cc:
Lte me guesue ur in luuuuuvvv.

I could see her annoying face cooing and making kissing noises at me. I'm starting regretting messaging her now, but she's the only one that knows I like guys.

To Cc:

From Cc:

To Cc:
My roommate.

From Cc:

-Incoming Call From Cc-

"SO WHAT DOES HE LOOK LIKE?" Cora screamed down the phone, I had to move it from my ear or I'd become deaf.

I sighed before answering, "He's around 5ft8, has honey brown eyes, brown messy hair, he likes wearing flannels, A LOT, he's lanky but has a fair amount of muscle, he has an uneven amount of adorable moles, plump pink lips and he's just so ugghhh," I groaned. Why was he so good looking?

"What a simp," she snorted and I rolled my eyes.

"I am so not a simp." I spat.

"Sure, sure big bro. Whatever you say. Anyways why do you need help with him?" She asked, obviously giving my the 'Hale brow' through the screen.

"It's just, he's been sneaking around every night to see someone and my wolfs getting, like, reeeaaally jealous and I don't know what to do." I sighed.

"I see, I see," she muttered to herself clearly concentrated on my words, "so he's your mate then, that's what you're saying? But you're scared he's seeing someone?"

"Y-yeah, I think so?"

"Well, why don't you tell him about wolfs and mating and that?" She asked her tone almost mother like, a habit she picked up from Laura.

"Well... I think he knows about wolfs already..." I whispered.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, his friends have been coming round quiet often and let me tell you, there's at least twenty of them."

"TWENTY? IS THIS GUY FAMOUS OR SOMETHING?" She screamed, my ears were now throbbing.

"No? No, he's not famous. Anyways as I was saying, they all accidently keep calling him mom-"

"That's a wolf habit, you know when it comes to pack moms." She pointed out.

"No shit." I spat, feeling her glare.

"What else?"

"He keeps accidently calling them pups and I swear he nearly called them his pack once."

"No freaking way. So he's like the alpha or something?"

"No he's not an alpha, he would be called dad not mom, I think he is the emissary."

"Holy shit. Our pack had Deaton remember."

"Talking of Deaton, I heard him on the phone to him the other ni-"



"I did not expect to hear this when I phoned you, is there anything else strange?"


"AAAANNNNDDDD?" She pushed, god she loves gossip.

"I can't smell them?"

"Huh? What do you mean you 'can't smell them'?" She mocked my tone and I scowled her, knowing she would feel it.

"I mean, they smell human."

"That's the weirdest shit I have ever heard, by far."

"I know."

"Wait hold up," she said out of the blue.

"What's going on," I asked.

"I read something in moms books before they perished in the fire."

"How is you reading going to help me?" I spat.

"You are the dumbest of all us Hales, Derek, did you know that?"

"Just get to the point bitch face."

"I will if you stop calling me that."


"Good, anyways. There was a page about a special form of wolfsbane, one that isn't harmful to werewolves but can block scents from them."

"So you're saying they are blocking their scents from others?" I asked, this was something I have never heard of.

"Yeah, they probably knew there might be other wolfs in the school who would look for a fight within them."

"'Kay, thanks for the help... Bitch face," I smirked.

"OI I SAID TO-" She yelled before I cut her off.

Finally peace and quite, I thought to myself before getting up putting my now empty coffee mug away and got back into bed.

[A/N: This chapter is at least 200 words longer then the others, congratulate me please, I am very proud of myself 😌😙 .]

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