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Pete's point of view

I can't believe it. I can't believe I was naive enough to believe anything about Patrick. "I don't like her like that" my ass.

I stumble through the woods, tears pricking my eyes. I can't believe after 2 years of trying to stop thinking about him, I run through the woods at night because I see him and the girl I hate kiss. I can't help but feel like I'm over reacting. But it's too late now, now I know for a fact Patrick doesn't like me like that.

A tree stump appears from no where, making me fall on my face. I scream in agony, gripping my leg that felt out of place. I couldn't help but wonder if this could be it. Can I just die in these woods? Can I just be put out of my misery?

Suddenly, I hear a voice in the distance.

"Pete!" Is that Patrick? What the hell is he doing out here?

"Pete!" His voice comes closer with every shout.

"Here!" I groan out. Deep down I hoped he didn't hear me.

But he did.

"Pete! Oh god, Pete! Are you okay?" He stumbled next to me. I never thought I would ever see him so worried, especially over me.

"M-my leg," I manage to croak.

"Oh god, I'm calling am ambulance," I hear his voice fade out. And that's when everything goes black.

Patrick's point of view

I quickly get an ambulance on the way, and hang up the phone.

"Pete? Pete can you hear me?" He was silent and limp in my arms. Oh god please tell me he's not dead.

His leg was completely broken and bloody, along with some scratches on his face and hands.

"Pete, please wake up," my voice cracks. I can't handle having him die in my arms. I can't.

I position myself under him, sliding my arms behind his back and legs. I lift him up and grunt, trying to get him in a easy enough position to hold.

I begin to walk back toward my house, breathing heavily as I begin to lose energy.

I finally stumble in my yard, already hearing the sirens surrounding my house.

"Here!" I try shouting. I trip and quickly throw Pete before I could land on him, though I probably wouldn't have minded it much.

I hear paramedics running over to us ((what the heck, when I tried to write us it kept autocorrecting to U.S. .. This is why I hate writing on my phone)) quickly checking Pete's pulse and lifting him on a stretcher.

Two men run over to me and quickly help me up and walk me over to the ambulance, but I didn't get that far before I lose all of my energy and pass out on the hard cement.


I wake up in a hospital bed and a nurse was already standing there writing things down.

"Oh, good, you're awake," she smiles. "Whenever you're ready sir, you can leave. Your clothes are on that chair right there, I'll be right outside if you need anything." With that, she leaves.

I was stunned for a second, all the words she just said clouded my mind. What am I here for?

Oh god, Pete.

I jump up and quickly put on my clothes and walk out the door.

I find that nurse and wave her down. She walks over with a smile.

"Uh-where is Pete Wentz? H-he had a broken leg and he should have come in here with me," I explain.

"Oh, yes, he's right down the hallway, first door on the right. He's allowed visitors now."

"Visitors? So he can't leave yet?"

"Well, he does have a broken leg, and I'm not even sure he awake yet," she gives me a sympathetic look.

I thank her and make my way down the hall and into Pete's room. Just like she said, he was sleep. His leg was already wrapped in a white cast and it was up on a little sling.

"Pete, no," I whisper as I make it to the side of his bed.

"I'm so sorry," I say, feeling a tear begin to fall. I felt so guilty. It might not even be my fault, but it sure felt like it was. "Please wake up!"

And just like that, his eyes slowly creak open, blinking several times. He looks around until he makes eye contact with me. He instantly smiles.

"Thank god," I sigh, "I thought you weren't going to wake up."

"Why so upset?" He says, referencing to my tears. "Would you miss me?" He smirks.

"You're such a bastard."

He just chuckles at me. Little did he know how happy I was that he was okay.

There was a long silence and I start to say, "uh- Pete I think there's something I need to tell you-"

"Yeah, me too," he cuts in.

"Um- I-"

"I'm sorry, excuse me, I'm just here to say that it's okay for Mr. Wentz to check out," a nurse barges in. She giggles to herself before leaving.

I awkwardly move away from the bed and rub the back of my neck. "Uh, so I guess I should take you home?"

He chuckles nervously, some red showing in his cheeks, and a little disappointment in his eyes. "Yeah, probably."


I push Pete out to my car in a wheel chair. He was given crutches but Pete was being stubborn and didn't want it. Now I have to push him around until he can get the cast off.

"You're such a jerk," I mumble.

"Why? 'Cause I'm making you push me around in wheel chair?" I could practically hear his smirk.

I roll my eyes and help him into the passenger seat, put the wheelchair in the back, and drive home.

Joe and Andy were already inside, holding a big thing of flowers.

"What's that?" I ask, pushing Pete in the living room.

"Everyone pitched in to get a get well soon thing," Andy says.

"Wow that's... Nice," Pete says.

"Yeah, everyone was too tired to get something interesting so they got something cliche," Joe says.

I laugh and slump on the couch.

"I'm so tired," I mumble.

"You should get some sleep," Andy says.

"Yeah, you too, Pete," Joe says.

"I have a spare room next to mine, Pete, you can take that one..." I say. I couldn't help but notice a look of disappointment for a second before he says, "Alright."

I help him in the bed and then I begin to walk over to my room.

"Wait, uh- Patrick," Pete stops me.

"Yeah?" I turn around slowly.

"W- what were you going to say at the hospital?"

My heart started pounding and my hands became sweaty. Good thing I turned the lights off, 'cause he would have seen the redness across my cheeks.

"Uh- it was nothing..." I lie. I was too scared to say anything now, I already lost my courage to say anything.

"Oh, okay.."

"Night, Pete."


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