Chapter 3 - 3

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All I felt was a strong sense of guilt as I treated Cyno's wound. If only I didn't act so stubbornly back there...

"That's definitely going to scar," I mumbled, grabbing a new roll of bandages.

"Another one to my collection," Cyno exclaimed sarcastically.

I didn't feel guilty just because of Cyno's wound. Back there, I had killed someone.

"Hey, Cyno..." I questioned, "What is it like? Killing people?"

"I'm no vigilante, but when you have to kill you just do it. Don't feel remorseful, because if you didn't kill that person... I might be dead. I understand how you feel, though. It's strange, isn't it?"

"Yeah... like a hole in your gut-

I stopped midway though my speech, realising how close my face was to Cyno's. I hoped it was dark enough in the small cave for Cyno to be unable to see me so flustered.

Before I knew it, I started edging even closer him.

"What the heck, Tighnari? Stop it! You're a lunatic!"

I might've been hallucinating, but he seemed to be growing closer to me, too. We were like two magnets, slowly pulling each other together.

His fast breathing was warm against my face. We both knew... we both loved each other. I could feel it right there.

"Ugh- PlUh--



I used a handkerchief to wipe the blood off my face. In romantic shows, it was usually someone's arrival that disturbed a kissing scene. This was just absurd.

"Right... I should finish off tending to that wound before you vomit your organs onto me as well," I mumbled, still disgusted.


The rest of the slow journey to the Tanit camp was one of, if not the most awkward thing I had even experienced.
Neither me or Cyno said a single thing. I just wondered whether he was thinking about spitting blood on me, or how close we were to kissing each other.

But I knew one thing for sure after that-- we had mutual feelings for each other. It made me happy, but it also felt really weird. I sighed heavily, glancing at Cyno.

He looked... normal. Serious, with no expression on his face whatsoever other than the occasional wince of pain.

"Seems like someone's in work mode now," I said with a false cheerfulness, breaking the extremely awkward silence.

"Well, I don't want anyone getting stabbed again," Cyno replied morbidly.

"Erm... Okay."

Once again, an awkward silence was cast upon us, that I figured would last until we reached our destination. How pathetic.


"Huh... Is the heat making Paimon hallucinate? What are you doing here, Tighnari? Oh, and Cyno's here too! Traveller! Come over here!"

Sometimes I wished I were like Paimon. An energetic child that could float.

"Don't worry, you're not hallucinating," I replied, still draining my water skin.

I waved when I saw the Traveller approaching me and Cyno.

"Oh, what you guys up to?" they asked.

The Traveller never spoke much, but their voice was nice and calming. Unlike Paimon's.

"I came here to talk to you, Traveller. Let's take this somewhere private."

"Don't go too far," Cyno warned as I walked with the Traveller.

We stopped near a small ledge.
"Sooo, what is it?"

I sighed.
"This probably is going to sound wild... but... Do you know who Rukkhadevata is?"

(568 words)

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