Chapter 3 - 4

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The Traveller stood there, simply stunned.

"Hey, no, you aren't meant to know that... okay. I'll tell you everything, just once," they stuttered.

I listened with intrigue.

"Greater Lord Rukkhadevata is the past Dendro Archon, but she sacrificed her existence to clear the Irminsul of corruption. That's why the Withering Zones don't appear anymore, and why Eleazar has been cured."

It was a lot of information to take in. I took a peek at my notebook. So my theory was correct.

"Thank you so much, Traveller-

"Wait. Do you know who the Balladeer is?"

"...The one that struck me with lightning? Of course I do," I answered, unconsciously touching my right arm.

"Well... He's been erased too. I saw it happen. All he did was say something about starting anew or something."

That punk. I wish I could erase all my problems like that.

"Did that happen recently?" I asked, "Because Cyno was swearing vengeance on that guy not long ago. And he doesn't know who Rukkhadevata is."

The Traveller nodded.
"Alright... we should stop talking about this, just in case it causes something. Plus, the others are probably getting worried. The sun is setting already," they muttered, walking back.

I hummed in approval and followed them.

"We're back, Cyno," I said, waving.

He smiled for a brief moment at me. I felt my heart beating faster.

"Let's set up the tent a bit further from here. It'd be rude to intrude Tanit territory," Cyno suggested, grabbing my hand.

It was unexpected, but I let Cyno pull me away. I loved the warmth of his hand.
We set the tent up in a secluded area that Cyno considered safe after some serious inspecting.

"Cyno, get in the tent. I want to check on your wound again."

Cyno sighed, and crawled into the tent. It wasn't very big at all, leaving us in very close proximity to each other once more.

"I had a very productive conversation with the Traveller. We can head back now, so you can get proper treatment and so I can just escape the desert heat."

"I heard your conversation," Cyno admitted shortly.


Without saying another word, Cyno laid down and fell asleep in the matter of seconds.
I stared at him, dumbfounded.

"Well, I have no idea what I'm gonna do about that," I whispered to myself, lying down.


Although thoughts raced through my head, I slept surprisingly well. Perhaps it was because I was lying down right beside Cyno.
I could feel the warmth of his body, and his slow breaths, and even his heartbeat when our surroundings were quiet enough.

"Wake up, Cyno. We should get going before it gets even hotter."

"Huh... ugh... do you have any painkillers or something?"

"Uhm... no, sorry. You already had our whole supply."

"Shoot. Whatever."

I unzipped the tent doors. The sun didn't seem as intense today, which relieved me.

"If you need to rest more we can stay a while longer," I reassured Cyno, zipping the tent close again.

I sat down again. Suddenly, Cyno rested his head on my lap. I wasn't sure whether he chose to or not, but he was fast asleep once more.

"...Yeah, let's stay a while longer. Just the two of us."

(543 words)
(Total chapter: 2356)

Not related to the story at all but I am so excited for Fontaine my mum thinks I've gone insane and I am insane because I won't be able to play it immediately

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