Chapter 6 - 1

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"Well... what in Teyvat am I meant to do?"

As noble as my cause was, I had absolutely no idea how to stop a god and a former Harbinger from erasing Cyno from the face of the world.

It was already nightfall. I remained in the surroundings of the Sanctuary of Surasthana, pondering endlessly, and waiting for the Dendro Archon and Wanderer to return.

My mind wondered to what the two were doing. Perhaps they were helping scholars in the Akademiya? Or maybe observing the flora and fauna of Sumeru?

It angered me; the fact the Dendro Archon could be doing something leisurely before erasing all traces of Cyno.

All the grueling work, all the blood shed, all the scars across his body, all the grief, and all the love. All his love for the safety of Sumeru, all his care for Collei, all his longing for peace. It would all be gone. Erased. Non-existent.

Suddenly, I heard two sets of familiar footsteps ascending the path to the Sanctuary. I hid away in a convenient spot in the Divine Tree and watched vigilantly.

The Dendro Archon and Wanderer came into sight.

"We'll enter the Irminsul now, Wanderer. Don't do anything outrageous again... the Irminsul is strong, but also weak. Like the toughness of a metal, that is taken away simply by heat."


"Isn't that a bit dry?"

"Sorry, Lesser Lord Kusanali."

"I accept your apology. And please, just call me Nahida."

They entered the Sanctuary of Surasthana. Once I waited a good while, I quietly opened the grand Sanctuary doors.

I saw the Dendro Archon and Wanderer in the centre of the Sanctuary, where a green orb sat.

And then, with a green flash, they simply disappeared.

...Was that it? Were they already in the Irminsul now?

I sunk to my knees. I really thought I could do something... I was blinded by my turbulent thoughts and aching feelings.

After a while, the Dendro Archon and Wanderer reappeared.

"Job done," Wanderer muttered.

All I could do was wait for it to happen. Well, now it had happened. Anti-climatically, in a matter of seconds. Cyno was gone from Teyvat. Only me, the Traveller, the Dendro Archon and Wanderer preserved memories of him.
Death and disappearance was so dramatic in fiction. In reality, it happened in a flash, and most people wouldn't even care.

Useless was the only way I could describe myself in this situation. I hurriedly left the Sanctuary, not caring if I made any noise or not.

I glanced at the city's bulletin board as I left. There was a big poster pinned on top of many other leaflets.
It read: 'All matra to attend trials in a week's time for General Mahamatra position' in bold font.

It made my head ache horribly. Just like that... gone. So simple. Why was it just so unfair?

I ripped the poster off the board, breathing heavily with anger.



I travelled back to Gandharva Ville. I no longer felt angry... what I felt was a turbulent mix of grief, sorrow, longing, hatred and fatigue. The path along the forest was unusually dark, but not just because the lights were either dimming or broken. I looked up, to find that the moon was gone.

"Right... it's a new moon today."

Shrugging, I continued along the path. I memorised the way well enough not to be disturbed by the lack of moonlight, but some others may not be so fortunate.

A sense of heavy fatigue washed over me as the familiar huts of Gandharva Ville came into sight

I walked towards my hut, my vision swaying. Nothing would make me bounce back from all the events of the recent past, but a nice, long nap in my familiar abode would soothe my feelings...

Suddenly, I noticed a figure inside my hut.

"...Who are you?" the figure questioned.

(613 words)

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