~Chapter 64~Horrible Horrible Crap Went Down~

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Aiden's P.O.V

I felt Jake's warm breath against my ear.

"Wakkkkee uppp..,"he whisper.I did a little whine and covered my ear.I can already feel my face burning. I heard Jake giggle.

"Hehe..sorry,I'll let you sleep..," he said and softly kissed me on the head.This motherfucker.Once I heard the door close, I took my pillow off my face.I let out a small sigh.I was still naked,except I had a blanket on me.....WHAT THE FUCK.WHY DID I LET HIM FUCKING SEE ME IN SUCH A SUBMISSIVE POSITION DEAR GOD.WHAT THE HELL.So much regret filled my whole body. AARRRRGHHH!I punched the wall,making it crack a bit.....Wait a minute.... I said I love you to him,didn't I?...Remembering it,I slowly let my head bang the wall countless times.I heard the door open.

"You okay there,buddy?"Jake asked.


"HAHA!SO DO I!"Jake said happily.I sighed.I got off the bed,totally forgetting that I'm butt naked.When the blankets falls,a waterfall of nose blood came from Jake,as he fell backwards in a daze.I blushed intensely and put some boxer briefs on.I walk out of the room,kind of stepping on Jake's legs,making him groan.

"Get up.I'm making breakfast," I said as I walked down the stairs.Jake replied back with another groan.I get into the kitchen,and start cooking.As I was chopping up some delicious green onions,I accidentally sliced my finger.

"O-OW!"I screech. Jake instantly runs down the stairs and runs towards me.

" WHAT'S WRONG?!"he yelled.I showed him my finger and sighed.

"Where do you have Band-Aids?" I asked.Jake ignored and and washed off the blood under the sink,and it stung a bit.After that,he dried my finger off and quickly put band-aid over it.

'I could've done that myself you know..,"I said as I was about to walk back to the kitchen until Jake stopped me.

"WAIIIIITT.One more thing!"he exclaimed.He pulled my finger up to his mouth and softly kissed it.

" E-EHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!?"I yelled.I quickly pulled my finger away and blushed.

"D-DON'T DO THAT SORT OF THING!!" I yelled.Jake smiled and nodded. Jeez....how many times is he going to embarrass me like this?...

Jake's P.O.V

Ahhh,Aiden is so cute.Ufufu..I want to hug him so hard.Aiden goes back into the kitchen and continues making delicious food.I follow him because I am a stalker.I slowly wrap my arms around Aiden and rested my head on his shoulder.

"It's funny how you act so angry and tsundere,but then when in bed,you get all cutesy and uke-ish..," I said.

"S-SHADDUP!" Aiden yelled.I laugh and kissed him in the cheek.

"Ahhh...you're such a lovely wife..,"I joked.

" E-Eh?!What do you mean by wife?We're not married and we'll never be!"Aiden shouted.Ouch......straight to the heart...I started to well up fake tears and start crying,making Aiden freak out.

"E-EH?!O-OI JAKE,D-DON'T CRY!I WAS J-JUST JOKING!O-OF COURSE WE'LL GET MARRIED!!"Aiden exclaimed.I laughed and wiped away my tears.

"Great,I'll be looking forward to our wedding," I said with a smirk.

"WHHAAATTTTT?!Y-YOU ASSHOLE!I HATE YOU!" Aiden yelled.I laughed even more.

"You say that,yet you love me deep deep down..Heh..don't worry..I'll propose to you one day..,"I said quietly.Aiden's face turns red and he becomes quiet.I walked up to him,pulling something from my pocket.

" About that....,"I muttered quietly.Aiden looks at me confused,still blushing furiously.I get on one knee and held out a ring box and opened it.

"Marry me,please?"I whispered quietly.Aiden's eyes widen.

".... J-JAKE........O-OF COURSE,YOU IDIOT!!!"he yelled and hugged me tightly.I smiled insanely with joy.Aiden starts crying his eyes out on my shoulder.

" See?I told you that you love me deep down..."I said quietly.

"....shut up..." he grumbles.


As for the title of the chapter, I was being sarcastic.Unless you call Jake and Aiden marrying is a bad thing then GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE.

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