~Chapter 25~Don't Rush A Man's Orgasm,People...~

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Jake's P.O.V

Ah~Aiden......he's actually letting me do this...but he keeps on saying that he only does it for the ice cream,which I call bullcrap....NO ONE would EVER do THIS for frickin' ICE CREAM!I did a slight sigh,as I enter Aiden (so casual xD)

"A-Ack!"Aiden yelled out.He sounds so adorable,I might just explode into confetti of how cute he is.

"S-Start m-m-moving..."he complained.

"Gosh,so demanding...if you want it so bad,then I'll go fast,"I said.

"Wait W-WHAT?!D-Don't go f-fa-AH!" I interupted him by shoving myself deep inside of him.T-This feels r-really good...

"J-J-JAKE!S-Slow d-down!"he yelled.

"H-How c-can I go s-slow?!I-It f-feels nice!"I replied,causing Aiden to blush intensly.So many moans coming out of us...it's like music to my ears.

"J-Jake....I-I'm g-g-gonna...."Aiden just stayed quiet at the end......Oh,I see....he's gonna unleash his limit...

"M-me too....I-Inside or o-out?"I asked,because I'm a gentleman like that...

".....I-I-I don't c-care!"Aiden yelled."J-Just hurry u-up!"

"D-Don't rush a m-man's orgasm!"I yelled.I just felt Aiden stare at me like:You just had to ruin the mood...

"J-Jake~!"Aiden shrieked.BOOM!EXPLOSION OF HOTNESS! 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CENSORED CENSORED CENSORED~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

~Few minutes of gasping and changing clothes and getting ice cream~

Aiden's P.O.V

"Do you think that was worth it?"I asked.

"Yep.You just had sex with the second hottest guy in school,"Jake said.

"Second hottest?"I asked.

"You are first,"he whispered into my ear.

"A-And how do you know that?"I asked.

"We have a bulletin board of the 3 hottest guys in school.You're first,I'm second,and frickin' stupid Playboy/Darien is third..."he mumbled.

"What the hell is wrong with this school?"I asked.

"I dunno,we are cool,I guess..."Jake said.Suddenly,he cuddled up against me."Ah...Aiden~"he whispered.

"J-Jake?!W-What are you d-doing?"I stuttered.

"Just cuddlin',thats what LOVERS do....RIIGGGHHHTTTT?"he asked.PUSH!!!"AAAACCK!"Jake screamed as he fell of the bed.

"You're sleeping on the floor,"I said.

"Seeennnppaaiii!!!Why are you so mean?!"he asked.

"Because you deserve it,"I said casually.Yep.....he does really deserve it...

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