~Chapter 13~Let's Embarrass Jake!~

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A/N:I'm going to try a new story typing style,so bare with me...and there's gonna be no censorship from now on,unless you guys want to continue,just tell me :3

Jake P.O.V

Okay then...spring break came by super fast.Me and Aiden just hung out and go to the ice cream parlor all day long,listening to music.Yeah,I know,exciting.

"So,what were you talking about when you were on the phone with your brother?"Aiden asked as he was driving us to school.Shit,he still remembers..

"Um,you know,just brother making sure brother is okay,stuff like that,"I lied.

"You sure?You were yelling into the phone and woke me up,"he said......Fuck!Fine,I'll tell him...Hopefully I don't worry him too much.

"Well....actually,I need to tell you something...I hav-" ~RRIIINNNGG~ Live saver phone!

~Phone Mode ON~


Derrek:Do you remember that I'm your new teacher?


Jake:Are you really my teacher?

Derrek:No lie.

Jake:I hate you.

Derrek:Hey,you shouldn't say that to your teacher *snicker*

Jake:You better not have those red highlights in your hair..

Derrek:Too bad I didn't dye my hair back to brown...

Jake:............*hangs up*

~Phone Mode OFF~

"Who was that?"Aiden asked.

"Stupid brother.."I mumbled quietly.

"Oh...,"he said,and parked my beautiful car into the parking lot.I was pretty nervous...gosh...I hope Onii-chan doesn't tell anyone that he is my frickin' brother...

Aiden's P.O.V

Something is up.I'm not that stupid,Jake is hiding something....Oh yeah,he was going to tell me something..

"What were you saying in the car earlier?"I asked.

"What do you mean?"Jake asked as we were walking to our lockers.

"You were going to tell me something..."I said.

"Ooooh!Okay then,well,I can't believe I haven't told you this,and please don't worry too much,but I actually hav-" ~RRRRRIIINNNGG~

"COME ON?!"Jake yelled.He just grabbed my hand and hurried to class.

"I'll tell you later..."he whispered into my ear and went to his seat.Gosh...the suspense is killing me!For some reason,instead of ouro teacher,a guy with red highlights in his hair came into class,holding a teacher-like notebook.

"Hey class! I don't think the principal has told you,but I am your new teacher!Mr.Shion!"he said....Huh...he has the same last name as Jake's...well...he was talking to someone in the car...maybe that's him,since Jake mentioned something about red highlights or something...

"Um...Mr.Shion?How old are you,exactly?"a student asked.

"21!Why do you ask?"he chimed.The whole class went silent.

"You're super young!We're 17-18!"a girl exclaimed.

"Haha,yeah,I know,I'm super young...oh...and there is someone I have my eyes on in here.."he mumbled quietly as his eyes drifted towards the back...everyone followed his eyes and saw that he was staring at Jake,whose face was red.

"What're looking at?"Jake asked.

"Haha!Jake!Why not introduce me?"Mr.Shion said...

"Don't make me punch you.."Jake mumbled.People gasped,wondering why he would say that to a teacher.

"You can't punch me! I'm your BROTHER!"he said.My jaw just dropped.I think everyone's jaw dropped actually.

"Onniiii-cchhhhaaaannnn!"Jake whined,causing the class to laugh.

"....What the hell is going on?"I asked.Jake's brother looked at me.

"Oh,you must be Aiden,nice to meet you! I heard you got suspended fro beating up my brother!"he said.The class just looked at me,remembering that traumatizing scene...

"Your brother is clingy,"I said.

"HEY!!!AM NOT!"Jake yelled.

I just glared at Jake,telling him that it's true...

"....I'll shut up now.."Jake mumbled.

"Alright then!Class is gonna start now!"Mr.Shion said,and walked to his desk.I looked over at Jake,whose face was looking away and I could tell got extremely red.More redder than his hair.This is the first time I ever saw Jake so embarrased....

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