Chapter 6: Leviathan

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"A man believes he can carry his burdens alone not because he can, but because pride has disillusioned him of being invisible. Deep down, he has already succumbed to failure when he decides to walk alone."


Kox was that person who knew when people would fail, but would not warn them for the sake of his wicked amusement. The shapeless soul lunged to take control of my form. I jumped, rolling on my back before yelling at the spirit that went through the floor because of my evasion. It resurfaced with a scream, its red eyes glinted upon spotting me.

"I'm here! Come and get me." I wouldn't want the spirit to possess the others. Then again, if it managed to possess me, it might infect the souls that were stored in my body. Where were Freyforsnore and Segreth? Perhaps I could use them as an oblation.

But what if I was putting this hateful soul in a poor environment by offering those two? No, this soul did not deserve such ill treatment. It had suffered enough.

I charged ahead through the thick screen of mist and looked for somewhere to hide. I crouched behind a box, listening carefully for the shrieks it exhaled as it hunted for me.

"Onii! Crowley? Kox! Where is everyone?" Ziru shouted.

"Kid, watch out!" Crowley shouted. The spirit shrieked, diving for Ziru's body. The boy fell on his back, scrambling away with his fluttering legs. Crowley threw himself over Ziru; the spirit pierced through Crowley's back with half of its smokey form still wriggling from the outside.



The Hanuman fell on his side. Black goo flowed freely out of his mouth. Ziru grabbed his bigger hand, tears rolling down his widened and terrified eyes.

I came out of my hiding spot, searching for the two of them. I fell on my knees, grabbing on to the tail that continued to squirm like a determined parasite trying to completely invade its host.

"No, no! Do something onii! Please help Crowley! Please, please!" Ziru sobbed.

"Ki–Kid...It–It's gonna be alright...It's gonna be alright. I'll keep you...I'll keep you safe. I promised your dad...that I'll keep you safe."

"No, stay with us. Stay with us," I told him. I stepped on to Crowley's back, forcefully hauling the soul from him that wouldn't budge the slightest.

"You have to...go...Highness. You have everyone..."

My vision blurred. With my jaws and teeth clenched together, I focused my strength on my limbs, making sure that the spirit does not slip through my palms. My hands started to pale, veins branched through my skin from coming in contact with the decayed soul. Crowley's fur changed into a shade of black. His other eye became clouded with darkness.

Save everyone?

How could I save anyone from having so many perish in front of me?

I was no savior. I was no one outstanding. I could never save anyone.

"Don't...give up on me! It hasn't taken over you yet, Crowley!" I shouted.

"Your Highness..." Crowley sniffled, snot coming out from his nose. He gripped Ziru's hand back, his eyes brimming with tears. "Don't let it take me, Lord Lucian. Help me...Help me fulfill my promise!"

He rose from his woe and from the ground that would be his grave if he surrendered, pulling his torso opposite to the direction of my pull. Ziru ran behind me, hugging my waist to aid with my pull.

"Fight Crowley, fight you stupid monkey!!!" Ziru snarled.

Crowley pulled even stronger, causing both Ziru and me to stumble forward before quickly regaining our balance. The heels of our feet hooked to the ground with how tenacious the spirit had become.

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