Chapter 10: Big Birdy

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"The Dragon race and the Phoenix race have been in a cold war because Slade here stole an egg and fried it," Sevor said, eyes glaring at his twin.

"I thought it was an ostrich egg! Can't they just lay more?"

Sevor could only sigh from his brother's idiocy influenced by his never-ending hunger.

We were preparing to depart for Crescent Island. The children will be left in Tourmaline Mountain in the care of Crowley, Ikesha, Laeroth, and the Tourmaline tribe. Garrison insisted on coming as he promised Lucius that he would watch over me.

"You ate a damn phoenix? How did you stomach that?" Crowley asked.

I have never seen a phoenix before. What I had in mind were huge and majestic dodo birds that emitted fire to cook themselves. They must be really generous to sacrifice themselves to satiate someone's hunger.

"Are you blaming me? It wasn't my fault that their eggs are much tastier. And how should I know that it was their next prince?" He snapped, which seemed to worsen Sevor's foul mood.

"Once we get there, can we ask them for some eggs? I'd like to try their products," Caleb asked while raising his hand. Samael stared at the werewolf before copying him.

"It's best scrambled," Slade proudly promoted.

"Idiots..." Raphael stated through gritted teeth. "It is fortunate that Lucian graces us with his existence or I would have retched."

"Raphael can't have any eggs!" Caleb teased. "Or Lucian's eggs for that matter!" He mocked, causing Samael and the twins to join him in his antics.

Eggs? I could lay eggs? Do my eggs come with tomatoes and peaches?

"Oh my, oh my...You really recruited a lively bunch to your cause, haven't you?" Garrison chuckled.

Laeroth scoffed. "I bet you that Lucius will have the worst headache of his life."

Ikesha smiled, patting my head. "I don't know...The prince has come a long way, hasn't he? From being a hermit to becoming a person many admire. I am sure that Lucius will be prouder than ever."

Laeroth hummed, patting my back. "You're doing good. Surprise us more, you hear?!"

I nodded. "Yes, you are screaming next to me therefore it is impossible not to."

Slade transformed into his dragon form. I helped Buck on getting on top of him. Rui could handle himself.

Once Buck was up, I was lifted and placed on someone's broad shoulders. I glanced down, finding the reaper's peachy colored hair.

"Up you go..." Samael murmured. His voice was different. It sounded more carefree and peppy.

"Thank you," I said, awed by his transformation.

"Lucian," Caleb called out as he reached his hand to me. I was hauled up gently. Caleb had to sneak in a quick smooch to my lips before I was seated in front of him.

They appeared to be at peace with each other. Prior to getting to this mountain, Caleb wanted to skin Peaches alive. This was definitely a development.

We tried teleporting to Crescent Island but the reaper was blocked by some internal force. Phoenixes weren't creatures to mess with but Slade managed to make lunch out of them.

The winds produced a hefty supply of air into my lungs while the dragon ascended to a high altitude. We passed through the puffy clouds and reached the zenith of ascent.

"Lucian~ I'm scared!" Caleb whined.

"Get off then..." I deadpanned.

"So mean Lucian~" he faked cried.

Claiming Lucian (Let there be darkness) Yaoi Book 3Where stories live. Discover now