Chapter 19: Elik

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I was an unwanted and unexpected bastard child born out of temptation, recklessness, and lust. My father didn't want to have anything to do with me; he denied my existence. My mother was considered a witch in our town. The townspeople looked at us with disdain yet she taught me to look at the bright side of every situation, no matter how bad things may be.

Life was still good even if my father didn't want us, even if people despised and feared us, and even if we were isolated in a forest away from the rest of the population.

Life was still very good and beautiful.

'Mama, is it true that my father is the king?'

Evanora sat on the old red couch just beside the fireplace. She was knitting a green sweater in preparation for winter. Her black panther ears sprouted from the top of her inky black hair. She dressed modestly, wearing a brown corset over a white long-sleeved tunic. Her black Judenhut rested on the round table. Her long brown skirt flowed in between her long legs. Her eyes that were in the same shade as a tangerine fruit glinted mischievously.

'Oh? Where did you hear that from?'

'From the villagers.'

Mama crossed her arms under her endowed breasts. 'Did you sneak into town again? You know how they threatened to burn us if they saw us near them, don't you?'

'We're not doing anything to them, mama, you're even killing off the monsters that the knights of the kingdom couldn't handle.'

She released a sigh. 'I don't expect them to return the favor or to warm up to us. We don't owe them anything and the same goes for them. It's better this way.'

She stood, placing the sweater on the table. She leaned forward and patted my head.

'Did you wish you had your father here with you?'

I smiled. 'He's happy without us, isn't he? I'm okay, after all, I have you, mama.'

She was taken aback before sadness befell her eyes. She knelt, pulling me in a tight embrace.

'That's right. I didn't raise you to beg for love, did I? That's my boy. It's only you and I against this godforsaken kingdom.'

You liar.

"Hearties, these laddies can't handle their rum!"

I couldn't stop Prince Lucian from downing the drinks that these pirates kept serving him. Since I was exposed to high amounts of alcohol prior to meeting the prince and Kumo, five shots of rum was easy as pie. I had to fake falling unconscious. Any time now, the prince's resolve to save Ciel will be dissolved by intoxication. That would be my only chance to save him–when he no longer had the capacity to refuse.

There was a loud bang on the table, signaling the prince's defeat. The pirates rejoiced, shamelessly revealing their intentions.

"Help me carry 'em to bed. We can tie 'em up and take turns."

I gritted my teeth. I didn't want to use this power again but the prince was in danger. He did not deserve such deception. I stared at my right hand that was on my lap. My forehead was lying on top of my other arm. Purple fire lit from the tips of my right forefinger and middle finger. Thunder rumbled in the skies; strong winds blew inside the pub.

"Ventus," I mumbled.

The winds grew stronger, causing the pirates to stagger back and fall from their chairs. I sat up, grabbing the sleeping prince whose eyes then cracked open. His cheeks were flushed. He couldn't even stand properly.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2023 ⏰

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