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I wanna say ty for reading also no smut this chapter!

Kyles pov

I keep trying to brush down my hair put no matter what i do it puffs back up "i give up" i leave my bathroom and head downstairs anxiously waiting for people to arrive i have no idea where there bringing me today but it's supposedly "fun" but im not sure especially since cartman helped plan it but i trust them not cartman but stan and kenny.

Oh stan i hope he doesn't remember yet i dear i hope not i do but not him please no no no i hear banging at the door i open it and im greeted by cartman, kenny, butters, stan, craig, and tweek "alright open ur gifts" cartman says shoving some boxes in my hand "uh ok!" Ī slowly open cartmans horrified of what might pop out but when i looked it was a few new games i had wanted it was surprising everyone was passing me gifts kenny got me a record of my favorite bands new album, butters made me some suger free cookies for my diabetes, craig got me some new jewelry, tweek got me a tweeks bros gift card, stan got me a book? "Open the book!" I looked at the pages it was pictures of our memories and adventures since 3rd grade" thank you guys!".

"oh its not over yet, come on!" Kenny grabbed me and pulled me out of my house we got in his truck him and butters in the front while everyone else was in the trunk jamming out "where are we going?" Stan looked at me a grinned "you'll love it trust me" we pull up to some building "firetruck mad house?" Cartman shoved a card into my hand "you'll need this" i looked down and saw a fake id in my hand "what is this place" i looked at stan he was just smiling "ITS THE NEW STRIP CLUB!!!!" I heard cartman scream behind me not even a second later i got pushed in then next thing I know im at a table at the front sitting next to stan "ok now time for the big surprise" he winked at me the lights flash to a stripper with a mic "TONIGHT WE HAVE SOME SPECIAL GUESTS THAT WILL BE JOINING US!!" I looked over at stan who looked like a child getting candy "LETS GET THEM UP HERE"Suddenly i was pulled up and now on stage "THEY WILL BE COMPETING FOR PRIZES THE WORST DANCE WILL HAVE A PUNISHMENT!"I looked around i saw stan getting pulled on stage "LETS SEE WHAT THEY GOOOOTTTTTTTTTT!!" She yelled of course kenny runs up and jumps on the pole and gives a little show stan throws his jacket down, he strutted over to one of the poles while i stood still i didn't want a punishment so i rushed over to a pole and just went along with it. About 30 minutes later she came back out "THE CROWD HAS SPOKEN FIRST PLACE GOES TO KENNYYYY!" Butters and cartman were cheering from the table for kenny "KENNY HAS WON HIS EVERY OWN STRIPPER POLE!!", "HELL YEAH!" Kenny shouted as he got off stage, "SECOND PLACE GOES TO THE COUPLE TWEEK AND CRAIG!!"we all cheered for them and stan looked a little nervous " THEY HAVE WON A 1 YEAR VIP ROOM HERE!!!" , craig picked up tweek and got off stage with the card and went to their vip room for 'alone time', "FOR THIRD PLACE WE HAVE THE BIRTHDAY BOY KYLE!!!" I looked around and couldn't help but smile "HE HAS WON VIP SEATING TO WATCH OUR SHOWS!!" As long as its free I got off the stage and walked back to our seats "AS FOR THE LOSER WE HAVE STAN HE MUST STRIP WE WILL BE RIGHT BACK WITH HIM!" I looked at stan who was smiling did he do this on purpose or? "dude this is gonna be so funny" cartman stated with a mouthful of food. About 10 minutes later "WHOS READY FOR STANN!!!!" We looked over at him he was wearing the same stuff but his shoes were different, then two other guys came out and were next to him they walked to the two side poles and started dancing while stan started stripping to the music he took off his jacket and spun around nocking his hat off his hair flowing in the hair he took off his shirt revealing some kind of harness they put on his he was beat red but kept going next was his pants which revealed some kind of leather shorts that didn't do him much justice in the front he kept dancing until the music ended and everyone cheered, a few minutes later stan came back fully dressed and embarrassed. 

"DUDE YOU LOOKED SO COOL" kenny yelled at him which made him laugh "That was fun"cartman said still throwing money at one of the strippers "hey wheres craig and tweek" all four of the looked at me "you dont wanna know" stan stated everyone laughed making fun of him for the time he got suck in the bathroom bc of them, "we should head back", "dude were did u come from?" We were shocked that craig just appeared infront of us while piggybacking tweek we all know why but we didn't question it, we got back in kennys truck and headed to stans? We pulled up at stans and got out when I walked in everyone was there and yelled "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" I was so excited, then stan whispered in my ear......

Hehe i love cliff hangers sorry it was really long

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