Chapter Six

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Lately, I've been enjoying my time with Suji. It's been a fun experience, don't get me wrong, however having a boyfriend can be extremely tiring at times. Suji seems extremely hellbent on doing what he wants to, which does take its toll on me. Every single time I try to get to the lunch table to meet with Jack and Danny, Suji always says that he needs help with maths homework, which later evolves into desperate kissing, which then evolves to making out. Sure, it's definitely 'fun' but I just want to go back to my friends.

At the same time though, I get moody whenever I'm around them because, and I don't mean to be selfish in saying this, every single boy in the school wants to sleep with me, and it definitely isn't nice being hit on every single day.

I wore a short skirt at a summer festival one time and everyone was eyeing me up, even if I didn't show a thing. Once I actually got a boyfriend, I thought that Jack and Danny would not like me as much purely because they couldn't stare at me. It's gotten to the point that I suspect that everyone wants a piece of me, even my best friends.

Either way, I do still care about them, and I do want to see some other people other than Suji.

I think I'm going to try and talk with Suji today, and tell him how I feel. I want to be able to get all of this off of my chest, and I'm fairly sure that it'll improve our relationship massively. I've decided to take the day off from school, as I don't really feel up to it today. I quickly check the time on my phone, and I go onto WhatsApp to see that Jack and Danny haven't texted me at all in the past few weeks, to my disappointment.

I do my usual things for the morning and decide to just take it easy today, and I sit down to watch TV for a little bit, smiling to myself. As nervous as I am to talk to Suji about what's on my mind, I know that it'll improve our relationship, so in the end it is definitely worth it.


My god has Tsuki changed. Ever since we have started dating, I thought that some of my attitude and mannerisms would rub off on her, in order to create my perfect woman, however it's just done the complete opposite, and all she can really talk about are her stupid foreigner friends who she won't shut the hell up about.

She's been sulking to me for weeks about how Jack and Danny, the two idiots from America and England haven't texted her despite her absence from the 'lunch table' as she calls it, and it really annoys me knowing that she presumably favours them over me. Either way, as I have said before, I have got to suck it up and let it continue. I've been trying to distract her so she doesn't talk to them, however I think she could have figured out my plans by now.

On the bright side, I've been getting a lot more money than before, and because of Tanoshi leaving the gang, I get his cut of the operations, which is great for me, seeing as I can spend it on crap that I don't even need without a care in the world. I'm not a poor person, so I can do what I want.

I see Jack and Danny walk past, and I remember something; she has her phone at home. This is a massive problem, for me anyway. Recently, Jack and Danny have been texting Tsuki like the world's going to end, and it pisses me off, quite frankly to see her ass getting kissed and for her to be patronised on the daily by those idiots.

So I did what I could. I kept her and my phone close at all times, and whenever they would text, while she wasn't looking I would delete the messages and put the phone notifications entirely off, so she would not be able to see a thing coming from them. Scum like them do not deserve her anyway.

As much as I have faith in the fact that she won't be able to notice, there is always a slight worry that I have in the back of my head, that being that she might be able to crack everything that is going on and that she will dump me. Which I definitely do not want.

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