Chapter Fourteen

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It's been a little while since I ended it with Suji, and as much as I hate him for what he has done to me, Jack and the rest of our friend group, I can't help but feel extremely heartbroken whenever I think about our relationship. I want to remember us as a fantastic couple, and I still hug two pillows at night just to simulate someone else cuddling me. It's painful and extremely stupid, but it's one of the only things I can do to stop me from crying myself to sleep and wanting to stab Suji in the throat. (I obviously would not do that, but I'm fairly sure anyone that's gone through heartbreak with a person who is actually a bastard rather than the decent person you envisioned can agree with me)

I haven't cried much since the night of the breakup and since I found out about Suji's awful crimes, but something just feels off today. I also feel extremely guilty that I fell for a person who is addicted to smoking, sells drugs on a daily basis and tried to have sex with a person who up until then I thought was an nice person.

Me and Kyou never talked much, but when we did it was always fun. We had surprisingly similar interests, and I always thought that we would leave high school as friends. But, I guess now we are going to leave high school as definite enemies. I've tried my best to try and let things go, but it is extremely tough.

I've never gone through heartbreak before truly in my life, so it was a big shock for it to happen. To this day I still have a really strange sinking feeling in my stomach, and I feel extremely down all the time. I'm sure Jack and Danny have sensed it, as they ask if I'm OK frequently, but I don't think that Tanoshi, Aisuru and Kirai have really got it, and that's fine. In some ways, it feels as if Tanoshi got the worse end of the stick, really. I mean, he had to deal with him for years, and he had to pretend to go along with his crap anyway. My heart goes out to him too.

Anyway, as I roll out of bed and look at myself in the mirror, I reflect for a moment, and look back on what this past term's been like for me. I've got a group of amazing friends, I had a boyfriend, he turned out to be a total shitbag, and here I am crying over someone who isn't even like me.

God, this feels horrible...


Things really don't feel right today at all. I've been passing Kyou in corridors and seeing her in classes numerous times, and it feels like she's rubbing it in that she's kissing and undressing for my former best friend turned gangster. As heartbroken as I am, in some ways I feel relieved that it's over. Despite the fact that I'm sure that I'm relieved, I'm unsure of my own feelings as a whole, so I've been avoiding all things romance for a little while. I can't really trust people that well after what happened especially after the party. The only people I feel I can trust right now are my parents and the rest of the gang.

We've all been shook in some way by the events of the party (with the exception of Kirai and Aisuru) and right now, I really hope that Suji's paying for what he's done. I honestly want him to be anywhere other than here - whether its a juvenile detention center or a prison, I just want him gone from my life entirely.

I'm fairly sure that everyone agrees with me on that one, no matter what. Ever since the party happened, I've been hearing fake gossip about him appear everywhere - message boards, newsletters and everything in between. However, there has always been that minority of support for him, mainly from girls who vape and drink and think Suji is cool.

Either way, I decide to stay away from them entirely and focus on myself, as that feels much more important than what happened at the party. I've been trying to distract myself for a good amount of time, and the majority of it works, which is definitely a good thing.

Lately I've been thinking a lot about Tsuki. Not in a romantic way, but in more of a friendly way. As bad as I had it, I can't imagine what it must have been like for her to be dating him. Being friends with him is one thing, but placing trust in him that much and then for him to break her heart like that is truly fucked. Seeing as we've both been experiencing heartbreak lately, I've been trying to talk to her more than usual, and it is working. The same has been going for Jack and Danny, and they've been trying too, ever since they visited me in the hospital.

At the same time, I've been having suspicion that Jack has a massive crush on Tsuki. I'm not exactly sure why, but judging by the way he behaves around her, it seems pretty likely. Me and Aisuru agree wholeheartedly, but Kirai isn't so sure. Either way, we don't say this around him because if that suspicion is true, I don't want to make them feel awkward around each other, which could make things worse.

However I do think that they have a crush on each other. I can see why, though. Keep in mind, Jack resembles Kirito from Sword Art Online hugely, and girls practically swarm Kirito (albeit without him knowing, because he has Asuna) and in some ways, the same thing goes for Jack, minus the whole thing about girls swarming him.

I do hope that it is true though, and if I'm being honest, the two of them would make a fantastic couple, so I'm hoping that they do like each other (can you tell I basically ship them....?)

I get a text from an unknown number, and I quickly delete the text and throw my phone on my bed, put Eon by Hoffman on and start dancing. Maybe this will get rid of my heartbreak and anger...



I quickly grab lots of tissues from my bathroom, and collapse on my couch, before bursting into tears once again. At this rate I've been crying solidly for hours, and I don't think I'm going to stop for a little while. I don't know if I can live without Tanoshi at this point. He's been on my mind for days, and I can't stop thinking about him.

In many ways, this is the worst thing I've done in my life, and I can't go back and fix everything. Just because I wanted something different for a little while. God, I could have at least talked to Tanoshi at least and maybe asked for a break, and I'm sure that he would have been OK with that. But, I can't exactly change things now, can I?

I think a good start would be to at least call him and apologize. Even if he hates me (and he has a right to) I still want to try and work things out with him, and maybe we can part as friends, rather than ex-girlfriend and boyfriend.

I pick up my phone, my hands trembling nervously as I power it on and go onto WhatsApp. I still have Tanoshi's number, so I'll be able to call him at any moment. My left finger hovers over his profile, and I slowly click on it before pressing the "Call" button.

It rings for a few moments, before I see "Call declined" underneath his name and he begins to type a message to me. At this point, my entire body tenses up and I begin to feel extremely nervous. What was he going to say?

After about a minute, my phone vibrates and I slowly pick up my phone to see a surprisingly short text from him, simply saying "Fuck off." and after a few seconds, I get a notification at the top of my phone saying "Tanoshi has blocked your number."

Well, I tried, and failed. 

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