Chapter Seven

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Me, Danny and Tanoshi are chilling at our usual table in the lunch hall when all three of us notice Tsuki walk in, smiling happily at us as she grabs a chair and sits next to me. She seems vastly different from the past few days, but I can get behind it.

"Hi everyone!"

"Sorry I've been so off these past few days, its been pretty personal." she says reassuringly, smiling at me, Danny and then frowning upon Tanoshi shyly.

"You must be Tsuki." Tanoshi says happily.

The two of them shake hands, and we return to eating. As much as I had waited for Tsuki to return, I didn't think it would be this awkward. However, I can definitely see why. Me and Danny look at each other as if to sort of say "What are we even doing here?" and I can completely agree on every sense.

Tsuki doesn't turn up for two weeks, and now she's extremely happy, forgetting entirely that she's been ignoring mine and Danny's messages. I get out my phone and put it under the table and I text Danny.

You: Should we tell her about the messages?

Danny: I was thinking about doing so

Danny: I mean, I would. yolo if u know what im sayin

You: I'm down 4 it

Danny: lets roll brotha

We both put our phones in our backpacks, and the two of us turn to Tsuki. Danny signals for me to talk first, so I stammer out "Tsuki, you do know that we have been messaging you for two bloody weeks, right?"

"Me and Danny invited you and your friends to a gathering that we had in the park a few days ago, and you still didn't respond, even though you had read them." I add, my fists silently clenching, even though I know I'm going to do nothing.

"I would say the same." Danny says, moving slightly closer to Tsuki, looking extremely annoyed. Throughout all of this, Tsuki looks utterly baffled, and she's a damn good actor if I've ever seen one. She picks up her phone, trembling, and she goes onto WhatsApp, and clicks our contacts.

She hands the screen towards us, and I see that none of our messages have gone through at all. I don't see any kind of deletion notifications, and now it is my turn to be ridiculously baffled at the fact that somehow she hasn't got them despite the fact that I vividly thought that she had read them.

I look up at Tsuki, and I mouth "What's going on with that?" and she shrugs her shoulders silently. All of us put our phones back in our pockets, and our group continues as normal, despite the shear awkwardness that resonates across the group. Me and Danny mainly remain silent, the two of us extremely confused about what is going on, while Tanoshi and Tsuki eat lunch happily, trying to forget everything that's going on.

After about ten minutes, I apologise for being so abrupt and Danny follows suite. Within minutes, our group is back in full swing, and things seem to be looking extremely good for us. As we are talking, Kyou walks past us, and hands each of us flyers, before walking off. Tsuki tries to talk to her along with Tanoshi, but nothing comes up of it, and Tanoshi ends up sulking for the rest of lunch.

I look at the flyer, and I see that it is a party held in an abandoned warehouse, for all members of Koenji High from the ages of 16-18, with free entry, food and drinks for everyone. Sounds like my idea of a cracking night. Within seconds, everyone is mesmerised by the flyers, and it is probably because of the numerous optical illusions and bright colors that serenade the flyers, along with the fact that there is free food.

After pondering about the event for what seems like forever, all of us decide to head there, and we make sure to meet up on the date. It's handy because the party is on a Friday night, just after school finishes, so we will be able to get there and have a laugh rather quickly, which is a good thing.

As we part ways for the day at school, I feel good again, knowing that Tsuki is back in our group, and we will be attending what looks to be a massive party, which right now I'm extremely hyped for. However, I do have one slight worry; Suji will probably be there. Me and Danny decided to still keep it a secret that we know about them, and if he is there and sees her with us, there might be a lot of problems.

At the moment, the two of us are unsure whether to tell her that we know, and even though it will cause a lot of tension, we are leaning towards not telling her that we know in order to protect her. We both know that she is a knockout (although Danny doesn't romantically like her) and that many boys would jump at the chance to even have lunch with her, so we don't want to plaster the fact that she has a boyfriend just yet.

Either way, we don't worry about that now, because we have a party to attend to. 

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