Chapter Eighteen

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I'm back doing my usual thing - and that feels fantastic.

Once I managed to make it out of the juvenile detention centre, I was able to get back my old apartment, seeing as I was only detained in the JDC for around two weeks, which meant the rent was still on time, despite my financial struggles as a supposed "ex drug dealer". With the remaining money I had left - around 100,000 yen, I decided to keep it safe and instead go back to my usual habits for making money.

Luckily, I've found some new people to bring in to Satsujin, most of them being former convicts that I've met online. I'm not going to lie, it's been quite risky, but so is the criminal underworld, and I'm willing to take risks for money and the life that I want to lead.

Across the past week I've been trying to contact Kyou, but nothing's come of it, and she either sends me messages telling me to die, or just audio files of her breaking down crying, but I don't care for any of it, purely because she left me in the dirt.

I mean, she's the one that told me that she wanted someone else, and if Tanoshi hadn't caught us, I wouldn't have been put in a fucking detention centre, she would still have her hands all over me, and I would still actually care about her. At the same time, I'd be dragging the supposed "gang" that Jack and Tsuki have down by cheating on Tsuki, and that right now is my main goal.

To take them down.

I can't forgive Tanoshi after he decided to snitch on me and put me in that place full of imbeciles and people claiming to be innocent. We had a deal, when he joined the gang that we wouldn't snitch each other up. And, that rule has been broken. Even though he isn't part of the gang anymore, I thought he'd be too scared to do so, seeing as I probably would have stabbed him if I caught him snitching.

Still though, what's happened is what's happened, and that cannot be changed. So, I'm leveling up my game from now to prove that I mean business, and that's what I've meant all along. The idea is, I'm going to spend a lot of my time selling the green stuff and planning my next robbery, then I can get a good sum of money once they're both done - presumably around 900,000 yen - my biggest profit from anything that I've done in the underworld.

At the same time, I'll be keeping an eye on Promer's friend group - which has now reached to the staggering number of seven; Jack himself, Tsuki Kanojo, Tanoshi Hito, Danny Manella, Aisuru Yoma, Kirai Kotoba and Ichigo Kami. While that seems like a lot, Satsujin has reached a total of around thirty members, each with their own roles in the gang. But me? I'm the kingpin. The central piece of Satsujin.

I'm planning to bring around nine of them in for a board meeting at my apartment and the information gathered from that can be passed around to the other twenty to twenty five members, and I'm planning to assign roles over a chat forum on Tor.

For those new to anonymous crime online - Tor is a free web browser enabling anonymous communication online, and despite its good intentions as a way of shielding one's privacy on the internet, it has been used as a way of utilizing illicit purposes online, with the drug market on the network taking up around 15% of Tor's traffic in January 2015. This statistic has since risen dramatically, with the underground drug market taking up around 52% of the network's searches in November 2031.

This has since given Tor an even more damaged reputation, and for criminals, this is a very good thing. It has not been compromised since 2024 for an unknown reason, as Tor previously had been hacked and stuffed with bugs from 2011 to 2014, and numerous zero day vulnerabilities were disclosed in July 2020.

The Japanese government have not been able to infiltrate the browser, and since 2030 it has become one of the main uses for many criminal gangs in the Sujinami ward of Tokyo, something which lies beneath the lie that Tokyo is a perfect place in this modern world; a utopia, some would say.

Anyway, here's what I plan to be doing across the summer.

My plan is to start off small. Start dealing weed in small amounts and try to make some bigger sales than usual, purely to get back onto the game. Once that's done and the money is in, I'll begin to plan my next robbery, which I believe might either be in a large store, or I'll try to rob a string of stores in a number of hours, just to get the amount of money that I want.

I'll keep switching people to do them so no-one gets caught, and if any kind of evidence comes to light, then we run from the Sujinami ward and locate somewhere else. I mean, I'd say I know English pretty well, so I'll be set to go.

While the rest of the gang might not know English as well, they should know soon enough, and our main motive is not to stay for vacations- we're here to get paid quick and fast, and we don't mind hurting people just to get what we want.

Back in the present, I crave nicotine, so I do my usual pre-smoking routine and then take a relaxing puff of my cigarette. As much as I enjoy it, I know it's illegal. But, I don't care, it isn't like it'll kill me, so I'm fine with it.

I get a buzz on my phone, and I see that it's a message from Omae Yowai, my second in command after Tanoshi left. I read the text out slowly to myself.

"Meet me at my place. We got someone who wants to deal."

"Sure." I reply.   

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