Chapter 17

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|Day one of good habits|

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|Day one of good habits|

One week later~

Sheza's cheeks adorned a delicate blush as she noticed Saad's intense green gaze fixed upon her while she arranged files on the glass table. Smiling shyly, she averted her gaze.

"Y-ya, why are you staring at me?" her words delivered with a subtle stutter.

In response to Saad's smirk and intense gaze, Sheza let out a low whine, with a coy smile, she hid her face behind a blue file. Saad chuckled darkly as he approached with heavy steps. He bent down to her height and removed the file to reveal her blushing face, staring intensely into her Bambi-like eyes he caressed her deep red cheeks.

Sheza, heavily blushing, her chubby cheeks taking on a deep shade of red, felt adorably nervous. As she bit her lips in response to Saad's dominant presence, her lips, too, turned a deep shade of red.

"I am staring at what's mine," Saad declared, his voice firm yet possessive.

Sheza let out a loud whine, covering her eyes with her hands in a playful attempt to escape the intensity of the moment. The big, bulky mafia, usually composed and dominant, found himself unable to contain a hearty laugh at her adorable antics.

He looked at her with a loving gaze, gently pulling her hands away from her face. "Don't hide from me," he murmured softly, his eyes locking onto hers. "I want to see you."

Sheza's blush deepened, but she didn't resist. Her eyes, wide and sparkling, looked up at him with a mixture of shyness and curiosity. Saad cupped her face in his large hands, his thumbs gently stroking her flushed cheeks.

"You have no idea how beautiful you are," he whispered, leaning in closer. Sheza's breath hitched, and she felt her heart pounding in her chest. Saad's presence was overwhelming, yet comforting.

He leaned down, capturing her forehead in a tender kiss. Sheza's eyes fluttered closed as she melted into the gentle touch, her hands tentatively resting on Saad's broad shoulders.

Saad pulled back slightly, his forehead resting against hers. "I never thought I'd find someone who could make me feel this way," he admitted, his voice low and sincere.

Sheza smiled, her nerves slowly being replaced by a warm sense of belonging. "Neither did I," she whispered back.

Saad took a step back, still holding her hand. "Come," he said, leading her to the plush sofa. He sat down, pulling her onto his lap. Sheza giggled, feeling the tension ease from her shoulders.

They sat there, talking softly, sharing stories and dreams. The fire crackled in the background, casting a soft, flickering light that danced across their faces. Saad's hand gently stroked Sheza's hair, his touch soothing and protective.

"I want you to know," Saad said after a while, his tone serious, "that you mean everything to me. I'll protect you, cherish you, and never let anyone harm you."

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