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I bounce our borrowed volleyball against the pavement
The surface dirty and indented with gravel
While you stand under a yellow basketball net
That had no actual net
And she walks up to you, with ice on her head
Because of her


(What the fuck does that do anyways)

And you begin to talk with her
I don't mind at first
But then I can tell something has gone very wrong
She whispers something that I don't catch
And then nods
And for a while you just stare at me.
The bell sounds and I walk over
to you
With a smile I ask if you'd like some of my lunch

(You usually ask me for my food)

"I like your cooking!"

But you jump back at my touch
In utter disgust

"Go back to your little rats."

And at that my entire world dies

My heart sinks as low as my uterus

And I stand in horror and shock.

Your lips twist into a snarl and
you walk away

"Go back to your little rats"

I lose sight of you as you walk inside
Clutching her hand

Bitter tears stream down my face
My head pounds
And I collapse into the gravel

I gasp for air in vain

And I promise to myself I will never do this to myself again

I promise to myself I won't let myself near you
And that I won't let you break my heart

I am terrible at keeping promises.

She's Everything. (Short poetry series)Where stories live. Discover now