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Maybe your relationship is normal.

Or maybe you get in a fight
Over a message
And you get mad
But then you want to go say sorry

Maybe you want to tell her

Please come back
I didn't mean what I said.
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I love you so much
So much
I'm sorry.

But maybe winter break rolls around
And you promise yourself that you will tell her afterwards

But maybe when it's over
It's been too long
And now it'd just be weird to go up to her.

And maybe you can't get over her
So you contemplate giving her a Christmas present
And give her one anyways

And maybe she comes up to you
And tells you that she misses you
And that she wants to be friends again

Maybe she really means it.

Maybe you said yes
But you don't tell her how you really feel.
You don't say what you really want to say.

Please come back
I didn't mean what I said
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
I love you so much
So much
I'm sorry.

And maybe you're an idiot
And three days later you send her a message.
Maybe you tell her

I appreciate all the time we've had together
But I think we should stop being friends.
Thank you for everything.

And then maybe you miss her like hell
And wish you could go back
And stop yourself from doing what you did.

Maybe you regret what you did
And maybe you miss her for four months
And still can't go talk to her.

And then maybe you have a dream.

My dog has just died again.
I'm sitting at the dining table with her and my parents when I get the news.
I walk over and sit on the couch
Holding my head in my hands
And then she comes and sits next to me
And hugs me
And tells me it's all going to be okay.

And maybe you cry when you wake up because you know that's something she would have done.

Maybe you message her and you tell her about your dream
And you tell her that you miss her.

And maybe I cried while singing our song.
And maybe I miss her like hell.
And maybe when we get back together I regret it.
And maybe I can't fucking decide
Because I feel awful no matter what I do.
And maybe I love her
And maybe I hate her
And maybe my friends hate her
But I love her.
Maybe I'm delusional.
Maybe I blame it on myself.

Maybe I can never be sure.
Maybe it's because everything's maybe.

She's Everything. (Short poetry series)Where stories live. Discover now