Chapter 2: Imagination II

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Rupert Pov.

I continued to hold King's Legacy, my freshly dubbed weapon, with a glint in my eyes. I had a fire inside of me, and I eagerly anticipated using it against the Grimm, the wicked creatures that stalked Remnant. But when I spoke my wishes aloud, my mother's anxious visage served as a personification of the shadow of worry that accompanied my anticipation.

   She said, "Rupert, darling," with a soft voice overlaid with a mother's protective instinct. "I understand you're excited, but you must be mindful of the dangers of going out there alone, facing the Grimm." They're... they're unlike anything you've ever seen before. And before you say you've fought Grimm before, just know that the Grimm you faced were holograms created by your teachers. It's not the same."

   I attempted to speak up, hoping that the combat training I had received since I was just five years old would help me. "Mom, I've been practicing for years! I know how to take care of myself. I promise I won't be reckless."

   Her eyes reflected a mother's heart's unspoken struggle between love and concern. "Rupert, it's not just about skill. The Grimm is unlike any opponent you've ever faced. They are soulless and motivated by an unquenchable desire to destroy. They'll attack anything that moves without mercy or hesitation."

   The significance of her words began to seep in, and I bit my lip. With my new weapon in hand, although aware of the risks and dangers, I felt unstoppable. "But Mom, why can't I do it if all the hunters and huntresses in Vale can?" I stepped forward. Her face softened. "Because Rupert, you're my son. I will not let you go anywhere by yourself, much less with the infestation of Grimm, because your safety is my top priority. The Grimm have the potential to be your funeral director."

   I experienced a sinking feeling in my chest as frustration and disappointment bubbled up inside of me. Mom, I want to show you that I'm a true huntsman, though."

   She put her hand on my shoulder, assertive but soothing in its touch. "You will, my darling, but not at the cost of needlessly endangering your life. There are other ways to demonstrate your worth that don't involve disproportionate risk."

   Between my ambition to succeed and my mother's genuine worry, I was divided. I gave in with a heaving sigh, hunching my shoulders in defeat. "Okay, Mom. But just know that I'm not giving up on this." My mind was stuck on our discussion as I walked the stairs, confusion rocking within me. But as I went up, I started to have second thoughts. I went back to face my mother.

   I exclaimed, "Wait, Mom," with just a drag of residual worry in my voice. She stopped before turning to me with a pleasant smile.

   "What is it, Rupert?" she asked, her eyes filled with the love and patience that only a mother could have.

   I exhaled, unable to contain my curiosity. "Why did you get me King's Legacy in the first place if you didn't want me to go out and fight Grimm?" I questioned her while resting one hand on the railing and holding King's Legacy with the other, giving her a puzzled expression.

   A sly glimmer danced in her eyes as her smile grew wider. Before she could control herself, she let out a repressed chuckle as she lifted a palm to her lips. "Oh, sweetheart, I got it for you to put in your room. Right there on your wall, is just a small symbol to display the bravery you possess." As she spoke, she continued to giggle while keeping her hand close to her lips.

   When I finally understood what she had said, the room fell silent in shock. She had given me King's Legacy as a decoration rather than as a weapon since she knew it wouldn't be used in battle or to display my bravery. But how could I not put it to use? My combat skills, which I worked arduously to develop with the help of the Martial Arts of Vale Corps Program teachers, and my swordsman skills, which I conceived in my swordsman mastery lessons, were the two instances of the things I was aiming for. I was also taught how to use a weapon similar to the ones that Huntsmen and Huntresses utilize.

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