Chapter 3: Imagination III

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(The photo at the top is what Rupert looks like. Would have gone with the Y/N L/N but... honestly, that's getting kinda old.)

Rupert's POV.

My mother and I have yet to speak about the topic since a few days ago. However, I've been secretly looking for reasons—I wouldn't exactly call them reasons, more like excuses—to use King's Legacy. All I had to do was wait for the right moment to happen.

I was relaxing in my room playing my favorite video game, "Fronthunt," with the soothing glow of the screen lighting up my face. The virtual world before me spoke to me; it was a place of imagination and adventure where I could build a persona of my invention, a warrior charged with the honorable duty of slaughtering Grimm that prowled the various regions.

Towns under Grimm's attack would occasionally flash on the screen in alerts, their pixelated anguish an apparent attempt to mobilize support and promote recruitment against the never-ending threat. I was completely aware of the subtle manipulation and propaganda overtones embedded in the game's design. The thrill of excitement that coursed through me as I led my character in a battle against the fictitious horde, though, was something I could not ignore.

In a world where the Grimm's danger loomed enormous, Fronthunt provided some measure of control and a way to combat the evil that threatened Remnant. It was a cathartic release for my emotions and wishes by directing them into a virtual arena where success was possible.

Each digital Grimm I slayed seemed like a victory as I kept playing. And even though I knew the game's goals were tainted with ulterior motives, I couldn't help but take pleasure in the gratification of eliminating opponents who bore a striking resemblance to the exact creatures that had plagued my imagination for years.

I continued to immerse myself in the virtual world, the click of my keyboard and the hum of the microphone my only companions, well that and the other people who I was helping level up in the game. I was quite popular on Fronthunt, given the fact that I always helped those who needed help leveling up. I was already at level 100, not as high as Theo_ThE_MAGIC_ELF who was level 500, but, I was honored on the board as the most helpful player for helping novice players level up, so that's something if I do say so myself. As the game's action unfolded on my screen, I couldn't help but offer guidance to my fellow players through the microphone.

"Hey, team, gather around," I instructed the novice players who were either level 5 or level 10. "We've got a pack of Beowolves incoming, and trust me, I've dealt with these guys a thousand times. They're fast, but they've got a weakness. Aim for their legs; it'll slow 'em down and give you a shot at their heads."

I could hear the rustling of keyboards and the murmur of agreement from my teammates. The virtual battlefield was alive with activity as we executed our plan. "Nice shot, Jess! That's one down. Remember, don't let 'em surround you. Keep moving, keep your distance, and we'll clean 'em up. And watch out for their pounces—they can close the gap fast."

I remained deeply engrossed in the world of the game as I issued instructions to my fellow players through the microphone. It was a role I had come to embrace, using my extensive knowledge of Grimm to guide the team.

"Alright, guys," I said. "Looks like we've got a Goliath up ahead. These big guys are tough, but they've got a weak spot. Aim for the mask on their face; it's their Achilles' heel. Keep your distance, and don't let 'em corner you." I could hear the team members acknowledging my advice, their virtual weapons at the ready. Together, we confronted the colossal creature. "Good shot, Sarah! Keep those hits coming. Remember, when it charges, dodge to the side. It's a slow mover, but it hits like a freight train."

Tension crackled as we continued our assault on The Goliath, one of the Grimm bosses in Fronthunt, as I shouted instructions to my team through the microphone. "Stay focused, everyone! We've almost got it!" I exclaimed. "When it starts winding up for that ground pound attack, scatter! Don't get caught in the shockwave." Our teamwork was impeccable. Sarah, our sharpshooter, delivered precise shots to the Goliath's vulnerable mask, while Jake and Lisa nimbly dodged its lumbering charges. "Keep those hits coming, and don't let it regain its composure," I urged. "We've got this!" The Goliath roared in fury, its health bar dwindling rapidly. We pressed on, knowing that victory against this boss was within our grasp.

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