Aizawa's adventures in babysitting(mha)

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In this story the villains have been reformed after the heroes learned their tragic backstories and decided help them instead of fighting them also sorry this story is kinda all over the place

Third P.O.V

It was a stressful day for Aizawa because Yamada a.k.a present mic volunteered him to watch not just one or two but five littles. And to say he hates the man right now would be the biggest understatement of the century. "N-no mirra" whispered twice covering his eyes as Shigaraki tried to shove the small mirror in his face. "Is jus a mirra why you being fwaid of a mirra?" He asked trying to move the boys hands. "Shigaraki get that mirror away from him!!" Aizawa shouted causing a sleeping Toga to wake up and start whining.

Meanwhile Kaminari and Ojiro were coloring together until they bumped elbows and the pages ripped causing them to start arguing about whose fault it was. "YOU BUMPED INTO ME" "NO I DINIT YOU BUMPED INTO ME" "DID NOT" "DID TOO" "boys boys boys calm down or you will go to time out" Aizawa said looking down at Toga who was hugging his leg. "BUT IT WAS HIS FAULT" they both yelled at the same time. "Boys that is enough go sit on the couch and hold hands until I tell you to get up" "I no like you!! You a meanie!! I want my daddy!!!" Kaminari screeched starting to cry. "Kaminari if you don't stop crying I will make you take a nap" Aizawa said in a commanding voice.

"You not can tell me wat I do you not my mommy or my daddy so I not haf to lisin to you" he said crossing his arms and turning away defiantly. "Problem children I think you all need nap time" Aizawa sighed taking out his phone and cutting on lullaby music. "I not tired uncle zawa' I jus' waked up" Toga said rubbing her eyes. "You were only asleep for 20 minutes you need a longer nap" Aizawa said sternly. "I sowy we fighted" Ojiro said hugging Kaminari. "I sowy too" Kaminari said yawning. "Can we gwet a bredtime stowy?" Toga asked. "Alright problem children I'll read you all a bedtime story Toga go get a book"

"I not wanted a bedtime story I wanted ta watch cartoons cause I not sweepy" Shigaraki said Twice nodding in agreement. "If you two not go sweep I tell your pawents" Toga said grabbing Aizawa's phone off the counter. "But you not know them numers so ha" Twice said teasingly sticking his tongue out. "Semsei Zawa Kami felled asweep" Ojiro said rubbing his eyes and yawning. "You gots a wake him up so him doesn't miss da bredtime stowy" Toga said clutching her favorite book. "No let him sleep" Aizawa said grabbing the book from Toga.

Once the story was finally over and they were all asleep Aizawa decided he'd take a nap too and got in his caterpillar sleeping bag. Then suddenly the front door slammed against the wall. "I AM HERE FOR A PLAYDATE!!" Allmight shouted while holding Deku and Iida. "Oops sorry I seem to have broken your door and made a bit of a hole in your wall" he said leaning the door against the wall. "AAAAHH!!" Kaminari screeched the bang made by the door scaring him. "W-what was dat sound?" Ojiro said hugging Kaminari in fright. "Mm be twyet I is tryna sweep" Shigaraki muttered putting his hands over his ears. "Mm awake..." Twice mumbled bolting up in bed. "UNCLE ZAWA" Toga screamed running out of the room. "Anyways I heard you were watching littles and I just happened to be watching some myself so I thought I'd come over"

"okay first your fixing that door and second your gonna deal with the crying littles while I go back to sleep" Aizawa sighed picking up a crying Toga. "I-... th-... noise... loud" she muttered stumbling over her words. "It's okay that idiot over there just broke the door is all" Aizawa said glaring at said idiot."semsei zawa pwease forgibe him not meaned to breaked a door" Iida said the sound muffled because he was sucking his thumb. "Semsei zawa is Toga otay?" Deku asked worried for his friend. "Deku'z here!?" Toga questioned excitedly jumping out of Aizawa's arms and running to Deku.

The littles giggled as they hugged while Iida was trying to fix the wall with his spit. "IT WON' GO BACK 'AGETHER" he screamed in frustration stomping his feet. "Calm down young Iida I shall fix it later why don't you go play with young Midoriya?" All might said pulling his attention away from the wall. "... otay..." he mumbled glancing over at the wall one last time before toddling over to his friends. The three of them played knights and dragons for a while until Iida fell and scratched his elbow on the coffee table resulting in a meltdown. He cried and that caused the other two to cry because his crying was hurting their ears. The crying woke up Aizawa who was beyond annoyed at this point so he grumpily asked "What's wrong now?" "Iida falled an' got a owie," Toga explained through her tears. Aizawa let out a deep sigh as he walked over to the crying trio. He picked up Iida, who had now stopped crying, and examined his elbow. It was just a small scratch, but the little was still upset. "It's okay, it's just a scratch. I'll clean it up and put a band-aid on it, okay?" Aizawa said in a calm and soothing voice. He took Iida to the kitchen and gently cleaned his elbow before applying a band-aid.

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