Amity's not so secret, secret(toh)

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Requested also sorry if this sucks I have the hardest time writing Amity and idk why also idk where Hunter went I just kinda forgot to add him sorry just pretend he's busy going to therapy or something

During moments of intense stress or emotional turmoil, Amity involuntarily regressed in age, her demeanor shifting from that of a teenager to that of a child. It was as if time played a curious game with her, spiraling backward to a simpler, more innocent phase of her life. At first, these regressions were infrequent, easily dismissed as peculiar mood swings. But as they increased in frequency, Amity found herself ensnared in a web of anxiety and fear. She felt like a puzzle missing crucial pieces, unsure of how to navigate her reality.

When they stumbled into the human realm, Amity finally found the answer as to what she was going through; she was an age regressor. She has since bought various things to help her, pull-ups being one of those things. She rarely if ever goes potty in them and mainly uses them for comfort and security during her regressions. She also loves stuffies, hot cocoa, snuggles, and wearing cute outfits that make her feel small and innocent.

Desperate to keep this baffling secret from her friends, Amity devoted herself to concealing these episodes. She meticulously planned her life, avoiding situations that might trigger her regressions. She carried a weighty burden, tiptoeing through life's complexities, always wary of the emotional landmines that could unravel her carefully constructed facade. But though she tried to hide it her friends knew, they figured she'd tell them when she was ready to.

It started off as a simple"here let me get that for you", but now to Amity it seems as though her friends have been acting strange around her, just yesterday Gus refused to let her use the fryer saying "I'll cook it for you wouldn't want you burning yourself", And Willow saying "you might wanna go potty before bed" Heck even her girlfriend Luz has been acting strange, well stranger than usual. With little reminders here and there of "remember to wash your hands", and "don't forget to brush your teeth", it all feels strangely normal and comforting in a way. But Amity can't shake off the feeling that they know, that they've somehow figured out her secret. She wonders if she should just tell them, let them in on this vulnerable part of herself. But the fear of rejection and judgment holds her back.

Now onto the present time, normally Amity wouldn't be regressing at 12pm on a tuesday but, she figured that since everyone was out doing stuff she would have plenty of time to herself, time to regress. She was drinking hot cocoa and snuggling with her stuffies while wearing a cute purple onesie. She happily babbled to her stuffies, giggling as she watched a movie on her tablet. Everything was going perfectly, just as planned until, Willow walked in. Amity quickly threw on a blanket to cover her onesie, shoving her stuffies under the bed hoping Willow hadn't noticed them. Willow sensing Amity's panic acted like she didn't see the onesie or the stuffed animals and quickly left after grabbing her skates.

Amity started crying as she yanked her stuffies out from under the bed burying her face in them. She sobbed as she thought about the things she could never do or have. She wanted to play hide and seek, have tea parties, play dress up, snuggle, and what she wanted more than all of that, a caregiver. But she felt like it would never happen because she just couldn't tell anyone about her regression, she didn't have the courage to. But as she slowly stopped crying she remembered how Luz had told her mother about them dating and how it allowed her to say what she wanted without words. And it was then that she made up her mind, she was going to make a presentation describing little-space and telling everyone about her regression.

"Amity what are you doing?" She was asked several times throughout the day but she refused to answer simply saying "I'm making something" and whenever anyone tried to look at the screen she'd close the laptop. She worked nonstop on her project for two days until it was finally finished. By then everyone stopped asking about it and for the most part just left her alone. Which gave her plenty of time to work on her outfit for the presentation. She decided on a cute, pastel-themed outfit that reflected the innocence and comfort she sought during her regressions. 

The day of the presentation arrived, and Amity could feel a mix of anxiety and determination coursing through her. As she stepped into the livingroom, where her friends sat awaiting her, she nervously played with the hem of her dress as she thought of what her friends might say upon seeing her. The room fell silent as everyone turned their attention to her, curiosity and anticipation in their eyes.

"Hey, everyone," Amity began, her voice slightly shaky but determined. "There's something important I want to share with you." She turned on her laptop, displaying the presentation she had prepared. The slides flew by in a flurry of pastels and kidcore as she did her best to explain. The presentation ended and surprisingly it was Willow who spoke up first saying "finally it was getting hard to pretend I didn't know"  Amity felt her heart skip a beat as Willow's words hung in the air. "you-you knew?" Willow nodded, her expression filled with understanding. "Yeah, we figured you'd tell us when you're ready"

Amity took a deep breath, feeling a mix of relief and vulnerability. "I... I didn't know how you all would react. I've been hiding this for so long, and I was scared." Luz reached out and gently took Amity's hand. "Amity, we care about you. No matter what you're going through, we're here for you. You don't have to be scared with us." "We're your friends, and friends stick together like super glue!"  Gus added with a warm smile. Willow spoke up again, "Thank you for sharing this with us, Amity. We're here for you, and we want to support you in any way we can."

Luz grinned, "Absolutely! And if you ever want to have a tea party or play dress-up, count me in!" "And if you need a snacks or someone to watch cartoons with, I'm your guy." Gus added with a smile. "now can little Amity come out to play?" She couldn't help but smile through her lingering nervousness. She had been so stressed over the presentation that she was in desperate need of some little time so it was fairly easy to slip into headspace. Luz, with her usual enthusiasm, suggested they build a blanket fort. Amity, now fully immersed in her little space, felt a sense of freedom she hadn't experienced before. The weight of secrecy had lifted, replaced by the warmth of friendship and understanding. She happily joined her friends in building the blanket fort, her eyes sparkling with childlike excitement.

When the fort was finished, Amity settled into a nest of blankets and pillows, surrounded by her friends, and for the first time in a what felt like forever, she felt a sense of belonging and peace. Gus handed her a cup of hot cocoa, complete with marshmallows, and Willow passed her a stuffed animal. Luz, with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, pulled out a tiara and offered it to Amity. "For our little princess," she teased. Amity blushed, but she couldn't help but giggle quietly saying "I pwincess wike in da mwobies"as Luz placed the tiara gently on Amity's head, making exaggerated bowing gestures. "Princess Amity, we are at your service!" Luz declared with a playful flourish.

Gus, holding a toy sword from the pile of stuffed animals, pretended to be a knight. "Fear not, Princess, for Sir Gus is here to protect you from any imaginary dragons!" Willow, with a grin, joined in the fun. "And I, the royal advisor, shall ensure the kingdom runs smoothly, with snacks and cartoons aplenty!" Amity giggled and clapped her hands in excitement, feeling completely at ease with her friends.The room echoed with laughter and the rustling of blankets as they fought dragons, ate snacks and just had fun within the cozy fortress. Amity stifled a yawn as they continued their adventure into the imaginary forest of evil to fight the evil dragon queen. 

"awe princess are you tired?" Luz asked hearing her stifle another yawn. "no m' not seepy" she mumbled rather unconvincingly. "it's okay if you need to take a nap princess your favorite knight Gus will protect you!"Amity blinked sleepily at Gus, her eyes betraying her true state of fatigue. "noooo gotta s'ay da dwagon" she whined sleepily rubbing her eyes. "yes but you can't fight the evil dragon queen if you're tired" Willow chimed in. Amity, caught between the pull of adventure and the lure of a cozy nap, sighed in a small voice. "Okay, jus' a wittle nap, den we fight dwagon." She smiled as she was tucked in drifting to sleep almost immediately, mumbling "wuv youz" and then she was sound asleep. 

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