Chapter 04

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Days turned into weeks, and everything was going perfectly for Haesoo in her new high school. She felt a happiness she had never experienced in her previous school. However, Hyunjin's constant annoyance made her dislike him even more. Each time he irritated her, she would turn to Felix to vent her frustrations. Felix was always there to calm both Haesoo and Hyunjin when they argued.

One morning, Haesoo got up early for school but skipped making breakfast. Instead, she decided to visit the convenience store, where she purchased a cream bun, kimbap, and a banana milk. She sat outside, enjoying her meal while scrolling through her phone.

"Hey! Good morning, hoodie girl!" Haesoo recognized the voice instantly and shut her eyes, almost knocking her forehead against the table. The voice's owner placed his hand on her forehead.

"Don't hurt yourself," Haesoo looked at his face.

"Starting your day by annoying me, Hyunjin?" she said, her face annoyed as she sipped her banana milk. Hyunjin pulled up a chair and sat down.

"Don't you know your manners? When someone says 'Good morning' to you, you should greet them back," he said with a smile, Haesoo giving him a skeptical look.

"How can it be a good morning after seeing you?" Haesoo retorted.

Hyunjin chuckled, undeterred by Haesoo's response. "Come on, don't be so grumpy in the morning. It's a new day, a chance for us to start off on the right foot."

Haesoo raised an eyebrow skeptically. "And what makes you think I want to start off on the right foot with you?"

Hyunjin leaned back in his chair, looking thoughtful. "Well, for starters, we do spend a lot of time together, whether you like it or not. It might as well be a bit more pleasant, don't you think?"

Haesoo sighed, acknowledging that he had a point. As annoying as Hyunjin could be, they did seem to cross paths quite often. "Fine, fine. Good morning, Hyunjin. Happy now?"

"Very," he replied with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "See, that wasn't so hard, was it?"

Rolling her eyes, Haesoo focused on finishing her breakfast, hoping that Hyunjin would take the hint and leave her alone. Just as she was about to take another bite of her cream bun, Hyunjin held her wrist and took a bite.

"Hey! That's mine!" Haesoo protested, pulling her wrist away from Hyunjin's grip. He grinned playfully, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes as he chewed the bite he had taken.

"Sharing is caring, hoodie girl. Besides, you always make fun of my food choices. I thought I'd give your cream bun a try," he quipped.

Haesoo narrowed her eyes at him, torn between annoyance and begrudging amusement. "You're unbelievable. You can't just take someone else's food without asking."

"But asking would ruin the surprise," he replied with a wink.

She let out an exasperated sigh, her irritation melting into reluctant laughter. "You're impossible, Hyunjin."

He shrugged, his grin never wavering. "That's why you secretly enjoy having me around."

"Who said that? You are so annoying." She rolled her eyes and took another sip from her banana milk.

"Well, if I didn't come to you this morning, you would have been bored having breakfast," Hyunjin said with a sly smile.

"No, I would have had a peaceful breakfast," Haesoo replied, about to take another sip from her banana milk, but Hyunjin took it too.

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