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The day had come. Haesoo and Hyunjin both came to drop Felix off at the airport. It was a bittersweet morning, the golden hues of dawn painting the sky as a backdrop to their farewell.

As they approached the airport, the atmosphere in the car was a mix of nostalgia, excitement, and a twinge of sadness. Felix, sitting in the backseat, gazed out of the window, lost in his thoughts. Haesoo glanced at him, her heart heavy with the realization that her dear friend was about to embark on a new chapter of his life.

"We're here," Hyunjin announced, pulling into the airport's drop-off area.

Felix sighed, trying to shake off the somber thoughts. "Thanks for driving me, Hyunjin. Haesoo."

Hyunjin turned to him, a soft smile on his face. "Of course. We wouldn't miss this for anything."

Haesoo nodded, her eyes reflecting a mixture of emotions. "We're here to support you, Felix. Always."

They got out of the car, and Haesoo helped Felix with his bags. As they stood outside the airport entrance, reality sank in. This was the moment of departure, a moment they had known was coming but still felt surreal.

"Felix," Haesoo began, her voice gentle, "we'll miss you."

Felix smiled, touched by her sincerity. "I'll miss you both too. But this isn't a goodbye forever. It's a 'see you later.'"

Hyunjin chimed in, trying to lighten the mood. "Yeah, and when you come back, we'll have a great time together."

Felix chuckled, "Of course, we will. And Hyunjin, remember to treat Haesoo well. If you do not, Haesoo, I'm always available for you." Felix winked at Haesoo as she laughed.

Hyunjin feigned offense, placing a hand over his heart. "Hey! I'm a good boyfriend. I'll make sure she's in good hands."

They shared a lighthearted moment, trying to keep the mood upbeat despite the imminent parting. Felix checked his watch, realizing it was time to head inside.

"I should get going," Felix said, a hint of reluctance in his voice.

Haesoo nodded, giving him a warm hug. "Take care of yourself, Felix. We'll be waiting for your return."

Hyunjin joined in for a group hug, the three of them embracing tightly, knowing it would be a while before they could do this again. It was a moment filled with unspoken emotions.

"Safe travels, buddy," Hyunjin said, clapping Felix on the back.

With a final wave and a smile, Felix walked into the airport, disappearing from their sight. Haesoo and Hyunjin stood there for a moment, watching the glass doors close behind him.

"It's going to be different without him around," Haesoo said, her voice tinged with a sense of loss.

Hyunjin nodded, putting an arm around her for support. "Yeah, but he's chasing his dreams. We should be happy for him."

Haesoo looked at Hyunjin with teary eyes. Hyunjin gently wiped away a tear, offering her a reassuring smile. "Now, don't cry. What about going on a date today?"

Haesoo managed a small smile through her tears. "You're right. Let's make the most of the day. A date sounds nice."

Hyunjin gave her a peck on the lips. It made Haesoo chuckle. Hyunjin held her hand gently. As they took a taxi, Hyunjin signaled to the driver to stop near a cloth shop. Hyunjin had planned a surprise for Haesoo, something to lift her spirits on this emotional day. He led her into the cloth shop.

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