Chapter 06

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"Wait, are you talking about Haesoo?" Felix asked, his voice hushed.

Hyunjin grinned mischievously. "Bingo! You got it, Felix. I'm going to make Haesoo mine."

Felix's heart skipped a beat at Hyunjin's declaration. His growing affection for Haesoo had become a complicated tangle of emotions, and now, his best friend was openly vying for her attention.

"You're serious about this, Hyunjin?" Felix asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

Hyunjin's gaze was unwavering, his determination shining through. "Absolutely. I've never felt this way about anyone before, and I can't let this chance slip through my fingers. Haesoo is amazing, and I want to be more than just friends with her."

Felix nodded slowly, conflicted feelings swirling inside him. On one hand, he cared deeply for Haesoo and wanted her to be happy. On the other hand, he couldn't deny the growing attraction he felt towards her himself. It was a tricky situation, one that had the potential to strain his friendship with Hyunjin.

"I understand, Hyunjin," Felix replied, choosing his words carefully. "But remember, Haesoo is her own person. You can't just 'make' her yours. It's her choice too."

Hyunjin's grin faltered slightly, his confidence momentarily shaken. "I know that, Felix. I'm not planning to force anything on her. I just want to get to know her better and show her how much she means to me."

Felix appreciated Hyunjin's sincerity but couldn't help feeling a pang of jealousy. He had always been there for Hyunjin, supporting him through thick and thin, and now, it seemed like he was in a competition for Haesoo's affections.

"Alright," Felix said, exhaling slowly.

With their unspoken pact, Felix and Hyunjin returned to the library where Haesoo was still diligently working through her physics problems. She looked up as they approached, curiosity dancing in her eyes.

"What were you guys talking about?" Haesoo asked, setting aside her textbook.

Felix exchanged a quick glance with Hyunjin before answering, "Oh, just some guy stuff. Nothing important."

Haesoo arched an eyebrow, clearly not convinced by their vague response, but she let it go. "Alright then, back to physics."

"I gotta go now. Continue with your study session. Bye!" Hyunjin waved at them. Felix also waved, but Haesoo just rolled her eyes.

Felix couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that had settled in his chest since Hyunjin's confession. The emotions he had been grappling with, his affection for Haesoo, and now, the knowledge of his best friend's intentions had created a turbulent storm within him.

The past few days slipped by in a blur of study sessions, with Felix, Haesoo, and sometimes Hyunjin coming together to prepare for their upcoming physics test. Despite the undercurrents of tension and unspoken feelings, Felix cherished these moments. He couldn't deny the joy he found in Haesoo's presence, even if it came with a bittersweet edge.

Felix couldn't help but observe the changes in Hyunjin's behavior. He noticed how his best friend was putting in extra effort to be attentive and supportive toward Haesoo. Hyunjin had always been mischievous and playful, but now, he was more considerate and kinder, which made Felix both happy and sad.

It made him happy to see Hyunjin treating Haesoo with respect and kindness because she deserved nothing less. But it also made him sad because he knew that Hyunjin's feelings for Haesoo were growing stronger with each passing day, and he couldn't ignore the impending storm on the horizon.

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