Chapter 11

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After Haesoo got home, she sat on the couch while recalling what had happened earlier at the park. The memory of that unexpected, heartfelt kiss with Hyunjin still sent a rush of warmth through her body. It was a moment she had longed for but had never quite dared to hope would come to fruition.

As she reflected on the day's events, Haesoo couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions—joy, anticipation, and a hint of uncertainty. Her relationship with Hyunjin had taken a significant turn, marking the beginning of a new and exciting chapter in her life.

Suddenly, her phone buzzed. She took her phone and looked at the screen. It was a message from Felix. With a sense of both excitement and trepidation, she tapped on the message to see what he had to say.

"Hey, Haesoo," Felix's message read, "I hope you're doing well. I've been thinking about you and wanted to check in. Can we meet up for coffee sometime soon? I have something to say."

Haesoo felt a flutter of curiosity mixed with a touch of apprehension as she read Felix's message. The addition of the phrase "I have something to say" added an air of mystery to their meeting. She knew that this conversation was going to be significant and couldn't help but wonder what Felix wanted to discuss.

With a sense of both excitement and trepidation, she replied, "Hi, Felix. I'd love to catch up over coffee. How about we meet at our favorite cafe tomorrow afternoon? And I have something to tell you too."

Almost immediately, Felix responded with enthusiasm, "That sounds perfect, Haesoo. I'll see you there at 3 PM."

Closing the chat, Haesoo took a deep breath. She knew that the upcoming conversation with Felix would be a crucial one, especially with the mysterious note he had added to his message. She couldn't help but wonder what was weighing on his mind, and her curiosity continued to gnaw at her.

As she sat on her couch, thoughts of both Hyunjin and Felix filled her mind. The kiss with Hyunjin had ignited a spark of excitement in her heart, but now Felix's cryptic message had stirred a sense of intrigue. She knew that whatever lay ahead, her life was taking unexpected and exciting turns, and she was ready to face it with an open heart and an open mind.

The anticipation of their meeting, where they would share their respective revelations, hung in the air. Haesoo couldn't help but wonder how these conversations would shape her relationships with both Hyunjin and Felix, two people who had played significant roles in her life.

On the other hand, Felix felt a whirlwind of emotions as he prepared to meet Haesoo for their coffee date. His decision to confess his feelings for her had been a long time coming, and the anticipation of finally sharing his heart was both thrilling and nerve-wracking.

As he got ready for their meeting, he couldn't help but think back on the moments they had shared as friends. Felix had admired Haesoo not only for her beauty but also for her kindness, intelligence, and the genuine connection they had developed over the years.

However, he knew that their friendship had reached a turning point, especially since Haesoo had shared her newfound love for Hyunjin. Felix had always been a supportive friend, and he genuinely wanted her to be happy. Yet, he couldn't deny the pain he felt, knowing that his feelings for Haesoo would likely remain unreciprocated.
Haesoo arrived at the cafe a little earlier than their agreed-upon meeting time. The cozy ambiance of the place provided her with a sense of comfort, which she knew she would need for the conversation ahead.

She chose a corner table near the window, where the soft sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow on the wooden tabletop. As Haesoo sat at the corner table, she couldn't help but feel a knot of nervousness in her stomach. She knew that the conversation with Felix was going to be a pivotal moment in their friendship. It wasn't just about confessing her relationship with Hyunjin; it was also about navigating the feelings and emotions that might arise as a result.

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