Chapter Seven

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"How much do you want?"


Justin's POV:

I know I shouldn't be doing this.
I told myself I wasn't going back to this.

So many thoughts were taking over my mind as I tip-toed down the stairs and made sure there was no one around.

To my bad luck, Wane was in the kitchen.

I cursed like I thousand times as I tried to reach the door without being noticed, but he saw me anyways.

"Justin, good morning. Where are you heading to so early?" He asked, as he took a sip of coffee. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Why do you care?" I retorted.

"It is my job, remember?" He smirked.

This man can't be any more annoying.
I started walking towards the door again, but he got up from where he was sitting, and followed me.

"What are you doing?" I sighed, throwing my hands in the air.

"I'm going with you." He affirmed.

"For God's sake I'm just going out for a run!" I yelled, and he placed his hands on his hips.

"In that case, I rather stay here." he shook his head. I sighed in relief.
"But you're not going alone."

"Why not!?" I asked, furious.

"You know exactly why Justin." he said, looking away from me as if looking for something. Or someone.

"Not James!" I yelled. "He can't even run from here to the car without almost getting a heart attack!" Wow, I'm really good at lying. I actually sound pissed off.

"Well, maybe you can help him with that. James!" He called again. "He does need to get fit."

"Fuck man, I just want to be alone!" I cried.

"Well, you can't. That way I wouldn't know if you're doing something illegal." he pointed out.

"You called?" James asked, while running down the stairs.

He can actually run, wow.

"Yeah, Justin wants to go out, but I'm not in the mood for running, so you're going with him." James raised an eyebrow.

"Me? Running?" He asked. I burst into laughter.

"Told you." I said, placing my hands in my pockets.

"I don't care. You go in a car or something. The thing here is that he won't go alone." he insisted.

"Okay," James assinted. "Let's go."

As Wane said, James got in the car, and I had to run. Wow, I couldn't have come up with a better lie. I hate running.

I reached an alley, and thought that maybe I could lose him there. I turned in that direction, and indeed, I lost him. Although not for long, the other side lead to the road.

I decided to call back the unknown number.

"Hello?" He immediately answered.

"Yeah, Mike, I don't think I'll be able to get your ord-" I tried to explain, still breathing heavy from all the running.

"What do you mean man? You've never failed me!" He barked.

"I know, but things have gotten, a little complicated, I live in Forks now. Plus, I have a stupid man following me around like a puppy, so I can't-"

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