Chapter Eleven

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I spent the rest of the night talking on the phone with Alexa, explaining the whole situation to her, and she stayed quiet during the whole call, occasionally letting out a scream or an 'i knew it'. When I finally hung up, I noticed that Justin's last message was still there, unanswered.

When am I getting your number tho? Is he an idiot?

I quickly typed my response and sent it, but instead of waiting for him to reply back, I put my phone on the night stand and finally let myself rest.

I fell asleep. For about two or three hours. Without any interruptions. I was peacefully, calmly, sleep-

My eyes half opened as I heard the familiar sound. I angrily reached for the night stand without turning around and dropped a couple of stuff in the process,-as always- before finding my phone. As I saw what it was, I became more angry.

The sun was starting to rise, which means that in a few minutes, my room will be as bright as a football field at night. And that only makes me more annoyed considering it's freaking 5am, and I fell asleep at 2am. I breathed in before sliding my finger on the screen to read the message.

Oh yeah, right sorry lol.

Dumbass. I didn't bother to answer, I just put my phone back on the night stand and tried to go back to my peaceful sleep, once again being interrupted by another message, this time, a text message.
I groaned and sent my pillow flying across the room, throwing a little tantrum before grabbing my phone to read the message.

Justin Bieber:
lol look out the window.

Alright that's it. I held back the urge to scream and got up, before glancing out the window. He was standing there like an idiot, with his phone on his hand, and that stupid-yet cute as fuck-smile of his. I opened the window and glared at him.

"Hey." Was all he said. He did not just wake me up at 5 in the fucking morning to say hey. Know this, NO ONE messes with my precious sleep time. NO ONE.

"What?" I retorted dryly, making his expression change. He was a little serious now.

"Someone's grumpy." He smirked. Of course he was going to smirk again.

"What do you want J?" I asked again as I impatiently tapped my foot on the floor.

"Nothing. I just wanted to make sure that yesterday was real." he shrugged, while he smirked.

That's when it hit me.
Oh, yeah, yesterday. Totally forgot about that for a moment, oops. But hey, don't blame me, It's not my fault I haven't gotten any sleep. I can't function without my precious sleep. And if I'm honest, I thought that was all just a dream. It felt like one.

I frowned for a second and started to smile, before shaking my head lightly, and saying the first thing that popped into my head, "Well, it's real Jay, now, let me sleep before I change my mind and decide to punch you in the face instead."

I laughed a little, but he just seemed a bit worried. "I was joking." I saw as his face relaxed a little and he chuckled. "But seriously, I'm going to sleep."

Damn, he actually looked like he was about to be beat up by five men when I said that. Could I really be that scary? I mean, I didn't slap him that hard.

"Yeah, and sorry for waking you up." He smiled, and winked at me. I smiled back, and started closing the window.

"Hey Ari?" Okay, I'll just wait until you finish. It's not like I'm such in a rush to go back to my beautiful bed.

"Hm?" I mumbled, stopping for a moment, waiting for him to continue.

"Um," he paused, as if he was debating whether he should say what he was going to say or not. Then a smirk appeared on his face

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