Chapter Twenty One

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"You're not stronger than me, Justin." He spits, and I grab my gun tighter.
"Are you going to shoot me?" He chuckles, and puts his arms up.

That's when I raise my arm, and aim the gun towards him. His smile disappears.

All this time, I completely forgot about the fucking bitch that was behind me.

I make one step, and the familiar sound of a gun being fired filled the room, and I was on the floor.

"No!" Ariana cried.

My eyes slowly started to close, and the last thing I saw, was her face, her, being dragged away. I try to look, but she was already gone, and right then, another gun is fired in the hallway.

And I was out.

- -


I was taking all the strength I had to free myself off his grip, kicking and punching, but it seemed like nothing I did worked.

Justin's mom was unconscious, and another man was carrying her. He was dragging me all the way to the entrance of the building by my hair.
I tried to pull the opposite way, which only made him angrier. He aggressively pulled me closer to him, before taking the decision to carry me.

I desperately punched and kicked him, this time, hurting him, but it was obvious that he didn't care. He just hit me again, and continued walking. I was so weak, and tired. Every inch of me had a bruise, a scar..

I was starting to give up..

But just the image of Justin laying there, lifeless, made me recover every little strength in me, and scream and cry.

He was dead.

This can't be.

"Shut up!" Jeremy screamed, throwing me to the floor. Then he proceeded to kick me in the stomach, multiple times.

"I'm tired of being the good man! Shut  the fuck up, or you die too!"

"He's your son!" I cried, barely able to hear myself. I was drifting away.

"No, he's not! He stopped being my son the moment he betrayed me!" He yelled again, before throwing one last kick, leaving me breathless.

I can't give up.

I can't. I have to survive.

For Justin.

My eyes close, and as he grabs my hair again, I take that as an opportunity to fight. I bite his hand, and he slaps me.

I struggle to stay strong, before my hands land on his pocket, and I feel something that could be my way to freedom.

I stop fighting, and look at him. He just stares, before starting to laugh.

"Good girl." He says.

"Always been." I hiss, before making my last move.

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