Bonus Mini Chapter - Sneak Peek

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:: Justin ::

It's been exactly a year. A good one, actually.

I don't think I could ask for more. In only one year of being married, I think we've accomplished pretty much everything we proposed ourselves to do.

We moved away. California. I know, that wasn't the best decision, but we made it work. Plus, I'm a bit closer to mom, and we visit Wane and Ari's parents very often.

Of course, not everything has been perfect. Jason, he's actually still on the same shit from before, even now that he's with Alexa.

He actually took that in a good way, though, that baby has a better life than we do, but that doesn't take away the fact that he almost got him and Alexa killed so many times.

That is, in part why I decided to move away, instead of accepting Jason's offer. I actually considered it, as stupid as it sounds. To be a part of his 'group'. But that's not the future I want for Ariana. Or our child. That is, when we have one.

We've tried. But it seems like, God won't give us that gift, or maybe this little shit doesn't want to make me a Dad yet. I know she wasn't sure at first, but we both agreed after some time.

As I stare at the view from our balcony, I suddenly hear a loud knock coming from inside. My first instinct is to call Ariana, but she doesn't answer. I go inside, but nothing seems to be wrong.

I look around, trying to find out what made that noise, and as I walk past the bathroom, I stop on my tracks.

The door was half opened, and the sound of the water coming out of the sink meant Ariana was there. Maybe she knew what caused the sound. Or maybe it was her who caused it.

I knock before opening the door, and to my surprise, she wasn't there. Something caught my attention though.

I kneel down and grab the object, seconds later realizing what it is. It was a pregnancy test.

A positive one.

I can't even manage to understand what's happening when suddenly, my phone starts ringing.

I slowly get up, still holding the test tight in my hands, and take my phone out of my pocket, answering it.

-"Justin? Hello?"

I can only manage to hear Jason's desperate cries as I pick up a note from the floor. There was blood on it.

- "Justin! He's got Alexa, and he's going for Ariana too! Justin! Talk to me for fuck's sake! He's going to kill them! Justin! Just-"

Fury invades my body, as I drop the note and storm out of the bathroom, tears going down my face as my eyes became red.

There, on the floor laid the note that read,

"She will die slowly, just like your mother did. You will learn to follow my rules now, Justin."

- so yeah, it's very short but it's actually just like a sneak peek of what will happen in the sequel :)))))))))) you can leave your opinions, they are very appreciated.

Stay tuned! ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2016 ⏰

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