Taking Flight

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I stand behind the others as we stare at Lance, waiting for the Blue Paladin to be released. He should be able to come out any minute now.

"I can't tell if he looks healthy or not." Hunk says.

"I think he's breathing weird." Pidge says with his face smudged against the glass.

"Oh, come on!" Keith sighs and tries to release Lance, but Allura stops him.

"Not yet! A few more ticks." She says.

"How much better do you think he's gonna get in a few more ticks?" Keith asks.

"And what exactly is a tick?" Pidge adds.

"You know, a time slice." Allura clarifies.

"What, like a second?" Shiro asks.

"What is a 'second?'" Allura asks, confused with Earth times.

"A smaller tick, I think." I say.

"Like this." Pidge holds up a small device and shows Allura what a second is.

"I'm not sure. I think ticks are bigger." Allura says, turning to Coran, "Coran, do you have a ticker?"

"Right here, Princess." Coran says, holding up a small device. He turns it on and it counts in ticks.

"I think ticks are a little slower." Hunk says.

"I can't tell. We have to start them at the same time." Pidge says.

"Okay. Ready, go!"

They restart the timers and start them again simultaneously. Everyone is crowding to watch, almost making it hard for me to see from behind them. I stand up on my hind legs and I'm able to get a good look at the different clocks.

"Yes! I think we're winning." Hunk exclaims.

"Winning what? The intergalactic time-measuring competition?" Keith asks sarcastically.


We are focused on the 'competition,' I almost jump when I hear Lance's voice behind us.

"You guys having a clock party?"

"Aw, Lance, you ruined it." Hunk says, before realizing who he's talking to.

"Hey, Lance!" Hunk quickly turns and hugs Lance. Lance groans and leans on Hunk.

"What happened?" Lance asks groggily.

Allura walks next to him and puts her hand on his shoulder, "We can tell you all about it while you get something to eat. Are you able to walk?"

"Talking? Eating? Are you asking me out on a date?" Lance asks with a smirk.

Allura, Hunk, and I sigh. I shake my head, unimpressed with him.

"Yep. There he is." Pidge says.

"Yep, he's okay." Shiro says.

"Classic." Keith says.


After Lance changes into his original clothes, we bring him to the dining hall so he can eat. While he happily eats the green goo Coran gives him, we explain everything that happened in the last couple of days.

"He'd be Sendak's prisoner right now, if not for Pidge." Allura explains as Lance feeds one of the space mice some of his food.

"Well, you wouldn't have survived the explosion if Hunk and Coran hadn't gotten a new crystal." Pidge adds.

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