Rating Game: Asia's Current Arsenal, Abilities and Powers

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Story Guide And Recap 1

Asia's Current Abilities

Devil Physiology:

Enhanced Physical Attributes: As a devil, Asia possesses superhuman strength, speed, stamina, and agility. These enhanced physical attributes contribute to her overall combat prowess.

Enhanced Vision: Asia's devil nature grants her exceptional vision, allowing her to see clearly even in low light conditions.

Demonic Energy Manipulation: She has the ability to manipulate demonic energy, which forms the basis for many of her unique abilities.

Combat Skills: 4. Kendo: Through her dedication to Kendo training and her devil nature, Asia has become adept in swordfighting. She can wield a sword skillfully in combat, despite her preference for a shina.

Water Magic: 5. Water Manipulation: Asia possesses the power of water magic, allowing her to summon and manipulate water for various purposes. She can summon water orbs that serve defensively, blocking and neutralizing attacks directed at her or her allies.

Sacred Gear - Twilight Healing: 6.

Healing Abilities: Asia's sacred gear, Twilight Healing, grants her powerful healing abilities:

Wound Healing: She can use her sacred gear to heal wounds and injuries of others, aiding in their recovery.

Stamina Boost: Asia can infuse her healing energy to increase the stamina of others, revitalizing their energy during battles.

Regenerative Aura (Green Aura): Asia can envelop herself in a green aura generated by her sacred gear. This aura has several effects:

Constant Healing: The aura constantly heals any wounds on her body, ensuring she remains in optimal condition during combat.

Energy and Stamina Revitalization: The aura replenishes her energy and stamina, preventing fatigue and boosting her overall endurance.

Pain Dulling: The aura suppresses pain receptors, increasing pain tolerance and allowing her to continue fighting even when injured. 

Enhanced Physical Attributes: The aura temporarily boosts her strength and speed, enhancing her combat abilities.

Sabaic Script Murals:

Sacred Symbols: Asia can conjure murals shaped like letters from the Sabaic script, a unique power of her sacred gear.


istant Healing: By sending these murals to a targeted individual, she can heal them from a distance. The murals act as conduits for her healing energy, extending her ability to aid others on the battlefield.

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