(A/N)Some Bad and Good News

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Hi there, okay so for anyone who's still reading. I've got some bad news. I have decided to abandon this story. This is because I have no idea idea what direction to take the story after the last chapter, it's all just confusing now.

However, at the same time, I have decided to work on two other stories, there are not out yet and they're probably gonna take a long time to come out. I won't give too much detail, but here are the names of the stories.

1) DxD: The Last Nabataean

The story follows someone, an Arab scholar who discovers that he is a descendent of the Nabataean people. His mother is a Texan American Woman and his Father is Jordanian. The prominent Characters in the story will be he angels and the Youkai

2)DxD: Gods Of The South

This one has the same concept as Eclipsed Origins(this story), but this time, instead of Asia, it's an entirely different Character, an OC character. Unlike Asia, he's actually a Sabaean). His father is an Eritrean from the Tigre tribe, and his mother is a Yemenite woman. I don't wanna treat this like a spoiler, but the dude will be a demigod(kind of, he is the same Situation as the Valkyrie, since they are half gods). The most prominent Characters in the story will be the Sitri clan and the gods.

Keep in mind, I have already drafted these stories, they are still in the drafting phase, and so far, I haven't written any chapter, but I am getting there...eventually. With Story number 1, I have already have the outline for the first 3 chapters, whereas I have 2 for the second one.

I first need time to revise everything, to get the lore and magic systems of HighSchool DxD so that I could merge my own stuff properly as well. I also need to improve my writing(not a native English speaker). As you can tell, this would take a veryo long time to accomplish. But If I don't procrastinate, or I'm not caught up in other things, and I put in the hard work and effort, you can expect the first chapter of either of these around mid November. So at least some around the 18-22 November, could be earlier, could be later...don't know, but keep an eye out if you're interested. Otherwise I won't be updating this story here. If you were reading this, thank you for the support, I really appreciate it, and I hope to see you in the future(reading my next story).

With that wrapped up, thank you for the support, I'll see you next time.

HighSchool DxD Eclipsed Origins: Asia Awakens(Abandoned)Where stories live. Discover now