Chapter 10

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I am standing at the entrance to my mansion waiting for the girl of my dreams and my best men. Just as I was about to return to my office. Just then came a black car in and I knew exactly who it was. It was the people I have been waiting for.

After the car stopped she got out and walked past me. Not even giving me a glance.

Okay I wonder what happened to her.

"Damon is everything fine?" I asked, referring to Luna

"Yes big boss everything is sweet" with that he went to his room.

While okay.

I went to my office to sort out some serious shit and then went to have dinner. I noticed Luna never came down.


Returning I could not stand the sight of Javier. To top it off Damon doesn't want to be seen with me.
Away sitting in my room thinking about the the pass incident.
Javier really changed from the image I imprinted in my head of him. Even though, I just don't know.

I decided to have my dinner in my room. For I am full hearted and willing to follow Damon's order. So I had rice and mutton curry grave with some baked potato and chicken. I also had cream spinach with a glass of orange juice. I know, I know want you thinking. ("A lady should not eat that much....blah blah blah. A layd should maintain a diet and watch her figure")

To hell with that. I'll eat as much as I want to. I mean I have been deprived of food all my life. And about the "figure and diet" thing if I am meant to gain weight then it will happen.

I was so lost in the cheeses creamy spinach that I never noticed when my bedroom door opened and closed.

"Who would say you were shy to eat like this earlier" I knew exactly who the voice belonged to. Looking up I wondered how the hell he came in without me noticing it.

"Anything I could help you with sir" looking at me as if I was crazy he approached me and seat down in front of me.

"No, no Luna. Please continue eating don't be bordered by my present". His voice was calm but husky.

"Don't worry about me eating because "  and before I could continue what I was saying he spoke.

"Oh come on don't tell me you one of those girl who starve thereself just for a body" he spoke in a joking voice. When I looked up I saw him smiling so I just went ahead and and put some more food in my mouth. I regretted what I did the moment his eyes fell on my hand.

Yes so what I am actually eating with my hand. Don't blame me blame the person who made this food.

"Eating with the hand"

"No. I'm eating with my foot"  I said that rolling my eyes. I mean how dam can him be to state the ouvse

"I see the cat became a lion. Wait no that one don't suit you. I should say the pitchen become an eagle ain't that right love" he questioned while leaning in his hand went ahead and cupped my cheek. His thumb rubbing the corner off my mouth. Staring at me he added

"Fisttie I like" and with that he pulled me by my waist and kissed me.

This happened all too fast suckling on my bottom lip bitting it. I gave in, I don't know what he does and how he does it that makes my mind all foggy. My hands went to his neck pulling him down he pulled me closer by my waist. He turned us around, me on the ground and him above me. Javier pulled away from my lips trailing kiss's down my jaw and to my ear.

"Baby girl" he said huskily " what are you doing to me" he then trailed wet open mouth kiss's down my neck.

Knock, knock, knock

"Luna!" Came Damon's voice from behind the door. Javier on the other hand connected our lips again. Holy fuck.

"Luna are you fine, why didn't you come down for dinner" with great difficulty I managed to free my lips. Javier went ahead kissing my neck. Holy Mary.

"Yes D Damon. I'm j just tired"  I said hoping he would leave.

"Okay goodnight Luna"

"N nite"  I tried pushing Javier but he just kissed my lips

"Ja Javier"  I tried yelling but it come out as a moun.

"Mhmm baby" what's happening to me.

"Getting off from me"


"Please" he stopped kissing my neck and I instantly missed his lips against my skin.

" If I stop will I get a good morning and goodnight kisses everyday?" He gave the puppy dog eyes. I was about to object. When he kissed me again. He got up holding my waist tightly. He lead us to my bed. Opening the bedding he layed me down.

Wow this was something I never expected.

"I know I'll be getting my good morning and goodnight kisses without a doubt, sleep now baby " he kissed me ones again. We kissed for about 2 more minutes. Javier pulled away.

"Goodnight Luna" with that he covered me with the duvet. He got up and kissed me on my forehead.

"Goodnight Javier"  when the word left my mouth he turned around smiling he kissed me again.

"I'll never get enough of you" he said and continued " soon I'll cuddle up to you" 

With that he left my room.


Red or blue?

Mine is red what's your's

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