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I eventually fell unconscious again and when I woke up this time. There was food on the table, looking at it , it honestly looks tasty. Chicken curry, mutton curry, rice and a variety of salads. The thing is I told myself that I would only eat what I can afford. So I ain't eating shit. So dear Javier, how long will you keep me here.

You might ask me how I know that it is Javier. It makes logical sense. He still cares for me and... maybe he put me in this place so I could eat. Seeing I never ate when I left the mansion.

It feels like forever. But then I hear the door open and two men walk in. I can't see their faces but they are strongly armed.

"Why you looking around huh?" Wow .

"Are you that stupid, asking a question you know the answer to" who the hell does he think he is.

"How dare you speak to me like that you slut" he rushed in my direction and before I knew it. I was on the ground a blow to my face. He yanked me by my hair and pulled my face to his.

"Why the fuck didn't you eat?" Ouch ass. "Answer!" He said as he tightened his grip.

"I am not in a mood and I do not want charity" I will never show my pain.

"Is that so?" I swallowed and looked away "In that case you are not allowed to even drink water now" yep he sounds like a bitch.

"How long have I been here?" I asked not caring what he does.

"My sleeping beauty you have been here for only a day and two hours" shit that is long.

"What's wrong you looked stressed Luna"

"Ha that is funny" I burst out laughing.

"Why?" He asked seriously.

"Because I am stress" I said with a wink my voice promising him a whole lot of trouble.

"Okay enjoy, because after you turn 18 now the 18th of March. Which is next week.." why does he look so happy. Suddenly I felt uncomfortable.

"Yeah I know when my birthday is" I cut him off feeling irritated by his presence.

"As I was saying. The day after you gonna become my wife"

"Yeah yeah I know the day after is the 19 of" I paused as his words only stalled in my mind now.
"I will never marry you fool" the words never even left my mouth probably when I felt the sting of another punch to the side of my face.

"You call me names like that one more time and I will hurt you sweet okay" he said in a low warning voice. Yeah right the punch I got only hurt because he had his nuckleduster on. I felt the warm liquid ozzing out and dripping down. He then forcefully kissed me. As a reaction I bit down on his lip hurt. He then kicked me in my stomach. "Fucking bitch. I will teach you the manners you never got. And eat the fucken food you need all the energy you can get. Because deceiving me is a huge thing." With that he left.

I have been here for almost two days. The pain I feel is something I won't show.


I feel like an outlaw and this food is tempting. I guess on bit won't hurt no one. As is it is just to taste. I took a spoon filled with mutton curry and gently placed it in my mouth. Oh my food. And one can poison me with food. All though I have been trained to stave but what can I do if it is right infront of me. Spoon after spoon and before I knew it the mutton curry was finished but the problem we have here is that I am still very hungry. So I ate the rest of the food too.

After eating I smelled something wired. It smelled like warm onion juice. Gross, the smell comes from me. I need to freshen up. And out of no where I felt sticky and wet and grossed out. My over sized skipper literally sticked to me. I am sure they put the air-conditioning on. I don't know extremely hot oh on burn out actually.

So I pressed the button.

"It hasn't been six hours full and you already want me" said the egotistic men.

"Maybe if you actually installed a place to shit and freshen up in here. I would not disturb you now would I?" Fool.

"Oh shit that smell comes from you. Hahahaha" he laughed "Oh my love you stink, bad."

"I must say you surely do love my hair" sarcastically as he pulled me up by my hair.

"You like speaking shit don't you?" His finger pressed into the open sore on my cheek when I refused to answer. I tried pulling away but he pressed hard. "Okay so sweet you have to give me words as is we don't have the whole day" he said as he kissed my temple.

"Yes I understand" tears almost ran down my cheeks but I refuse to show weakness.

"Listen up sweet when I leave now a few of my works will come in fully armed. One of them will be putting a bag on your head. They will escort you to the bathroom, mine" he left with that statement.


And just as he said two women and two men entered the room. One of the women put a bag over my head and the other cuffed me. I could not count my steps for the where pulling and pushing me. I however know we went up 1 stairway and we turned 3 times. For some reason I have this feels that this place ain't huge. Maybe it is as a small two storey or maybe the stairs where for the basement to the first floor. Maybe it's normal house. After about 1 minute I was uncuffed and they also took the bag of my head.

"Sweetie why the sad face. You can go have your shower okay"

His obsession, her fateHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin