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Love will drive you crazy, but at the end of the day it will all end in pain

The cause of your happiness will become the cause of your sorrow

Taking out my phone I noticed two unread messages sent to me this morning. Reading it, I wondered who this might be. So I got back out of bed and went towards my office. It has been a long day. A happy day that I would never forget except for the part where I actually lost a friend I considered family.

The moment I sat down in my chair I picked up my phone and phoned Arlindo. Arlindo is one of the best and most skilled heckers I know. He is 30 years of age. Arlindo has also retired from working for the mafias. He is now the head of the most strongest cyber security system.


Hello Arlindo

Oh Javier, it has been a long time since I heard this groggy voice (hahahaha)

Hahaha that is a good one

So to what do I owe this pleasure

I got two messages from an unknown number. I was wondering if you could help me find out who it is and what this person knows.

Javier, you know I owe you one but if you do not mind me asking why do you not just ask your beloved friend, Damon

This question

Maybe if we could meet up tomorrow I will let you in on everything

I sense trouble and a whole lot.
I will meet you tomorrow afternoon, your place

Thank you

And with that I ended the call. I went back to my room and got under the covers. I gripped Mrs Shakur waist. Yes you heard that right. My Luna will become my wife. I pulled her in holding her tight to me.

Get off me. Javier, I heard my babes voice from a far. Opening my eyes a little I saw my baby struggling to push me off from herself.

My head is on her breasts and my arms are around her waist.

I contacted acting as if I am asleep. Nuzzling my mouth on her nipples. She just could not help it but realise a moan. Damn.

"Javier get off from me. I know you awake" she moaned out.

"Please I need to get ready to leave"  with this I raised my head

"You want to leave me?" What the fuck is she talking about

"Yes I missed out on my lacture yesterday and I refuse to miss out on anymore. So let me free" Luna demanded. Griping her chin. So that my breath is on her lips.

"First of all I will never leave you. Never baby girl. Second you will never be free from me. And now thirdly I will drop you off and pick you up. So remember you will only get into a mate black Rolls-Royce." And with every sentence I layed down on the surface. I also took something. Yep her lips. When I finished what I wanted to say I licked her bottom lip, causing her to shiver. I bit down softly before pulling it into my mouth. Pushing her back down with my body I swolled her lips live.

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