Chapter 3

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It was the next day and you were up making sure everything was ready for the mission today. You really wish you were going on this mission today, but it was for the best with a small group went. There was no nee to raise tension with the Navi anymore as need, and it seems like to was best if you stayed here for the time being.

???? " hey grace" praker had decide to make one of his visit toward the laboratory you hated it when he will came here, because he would always come here and cause problems of everyone here.

Y/n " oh look Parker great just what we need"

Parker " I didn't come here to start a fight, I just want to makes sure the government money not going to waste"

Grace " oh hush Parker your inventors will be fine, we don't be wasting any of your precious money"

Praker " I hope you all don't"

Y/n " praker you and my aunt can fight about this later we have a mission to get ready for, and the more time we waste the more money is wasted as well"

Parker " it seems like one of you here is smart" Parker soon walked out of the laboratory. He was not well liked by any of the scientists here, for how much he was spending to destroy the planet and his greed.

Jake " wow he has a big ego on him"

Y/n " that Parker for you always a man in love with money"

Grace " well everyone back to work"

Y/n " okay everyone is here and ready"

Jake " ready as I will ever be I will see you when I get back right"

Y/n " yes I will be here when you wake up"

Jake " I hope your face is the first thing I see when I wake"

Tom " enough flirting with y/n there is work to be done Jake"

Jake " yes sir see you later beautiful" Jake soon laid down as you closed the capsules door after him, and soon pushed the button. Soon enough he was gone and followed by Tom and norm.

Grace " get ready y/n"

Y/n " huh"

Grace " you are coming as well or do you wish to stay here"

Y/n " I want to come along as well what about dad he said ...."

Grace " I will deal with him now come on let's get going" a smile at grown on your face and as you soon got into one of the empty capsules and grace had bushed the button.

Y/n " hell yeah" you soon got up from the hammock and went to join the rest of the team.

Lyle " hey y/n came to see us off or give us any last minute advice"

Y/n " not this time I'm coming along on this mission"

Everyone " huh"

Y/n " grace gave me approval to come she will deal with my dad now come on let get going"

???? " y/n"

Y/n " hey dad" you soon turned around to see Quaritch standing there, he didn't seem happy he soon made his way towards his daughter.

Quaritch " your aunt told me you will be going on a mission with her, and I approve of you going on this mission with her team"

Y/n " really dad"

Quaritch " yes really your aunt and I talked and k think it for the best, and you might be only beside grace and Trudy to keep the team safe"

Tom " wow that felt like a compliment and insult at the same time"

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