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not a chapter - reo's birthday!

same character, not following
the original plot

smut ahead!

the mikage residence had never held this many teenagers at once.

the combination of people from reo's original high school and almost everyone he knew from bluelock, the giant mansion was packed.

the one time reo asked his family if he could have a party, they were shocked. he had never brought home more than 2 friends, nowadays only nagi.

his mother was ecstatic at the thought of her only son having fun with his friends, living the life a teenager should, immediately booking a fancy resort for her and mr. mikage.

his father on the other hand, was suspicious of the boy, asking all sorts of questions on every person that he planned to bring over.

he didnt mean to sound angry, it was just out of worry, as reo had never brought in people.

and especially when he heard it was not his idea, but your idea to have this party.

he demanded that you were brought here, days prior to the party so he could meet you.

now here you were, standing in front of your mirror, perfecting every inch of your face, while reo leaned on the wall of the doorway, watching you with a smirk.

"the fuck are you staring at?" you growled, irritated with how hes teasing you silently.

"wanna impress my dad that badly?" reo raised a brow, walking over to you, hands landing on your hips, "theyre gonna love you, baby."

"but how do you know that? what if he thinks im a snob or something," you cringed thinking off all the horrible ways this evening could go.

"hes not gonna think youre a snob, hes heard a lot about you anyways," he placed a kiss to your temple, "all good things, dont worry."

you sighed, leaning your head back into his chest, "but he also thinks we're just friends, we're not even dating!" you looked at him in the mirror with an annoyed expression.

"but we could be dating," he smiled, "didnt know if you were ready, pretty."

you turned around abruptly, grabbing his face with both hands, pulling him in for a kiss, his hands landing on your hip and the small of your back to pull you in. swiping his tongue across your bottom lip for access to yours.

you let him, but for only a moment, feeling his hands trail down to the edge of your dress.

you pulled away, "ive been ready, reo," you shook your head, wiping the lipstick stain off his lips, "how could i not have been? wasnt it obvious?"

"i dunno," he shrugged, "didnt wanna assume and pressure you into it.. but now, i can introduce you as my pretty girlfriend, that is... if you would let me be your boyfriend," he whispered into your ear.

"of course," you smiled, giving him one quick kiss before grabbing his hand, dragging him out of the bathroom, "come on now! we're gonna be late!"

"oh my, y/n! you are quite the funny girl!" mrs. mikage laughed, grabbing your hands in hers, standing at the front door.

"reo, my son," mr. mikage glanced at the purple haired boy, "you made a good choice. bring this girl over another time," he patted his son on the back.

"oh i concur! please, y/n, think of us as your parents, come over again soon!"

you smiled, relieved, "will do! goodnight mr. and mrs. mikage!" you waved as reo ushered you out the door with impatience.

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