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"yoichi! where's y/n—" yoichi's mom came into the room but immediately scrunched up her nose, "yuck.. it reeks of sex in here," he looked over to yoichi's bed and her eyes widened, "oh.."

you and yoichi were wrapped in each other's arms, your head in his chest. the blanket was snuggled around you two that only your nose and up was revealed, but yoichi's whole head was out of the blanket.

yoichi eyes fluttered awake at his mom's voice, but you were still sound asleep.

"mom.. get out.." he mumbled, pulling you closer to him.

"yoichi.. open a window in here or something," she groaned, walking over to his window and opening the curtains, instantly brightening the room.

"i will, later.. now out."

"okay! come downstairs, i made breakfast as late as i could for you two, its 1 in the afternoon!" she lectured, pointing her finger at him.

"okay mom, we'll be down soon," he sighed.

she shut the door on her way out, leaving yoichi to bathe in the sunlight.

he gently shook you awake, making you groan and smack his forehead, "back the fuck up, nigga."

he winced at the sting on his forehead, hand finding it and covering it while glaring at you.

"get up," he sat up, grabbing you in the process, standing up and stretching with you in his arms. he yawned obnoxiously, making his way to the bathroom.

"ughh, youre so annoying, ichi," you groaned, slapping his chest where you were held against it.

"ichi? you havent called me that since we were in middle school," he laughed, voice deep and raspy.

"yeah because youre acting like a little bitch boy, not letting me sleep."

"my mom made us food," he set you down once you two were in the bathroom, letting you pee while he brushed his teeth.

he was already done before looking over to see you sitting on the toilet, head down, bonnet sitting securely from when he put it on your head after you passed out the night before.

he squinted his eyes before he heard a little snore come from you, "no fucking way you fell asleep on the toilet," he grabbed your shoulders with both hands, shaking you harshly.

"oh my god," you exaggerated, "im gonna get piss everywhere— i havent wiped, asshole!"

"here, let me to the honors, your highness," he mocked you, pushing your back down to bend over further.

"how many times have you wiped me during all our years of being friends?"

"this is probably like the 7th time— damn bitch, your ass is hairy as fuck," he snorted.

"and you still hit, nigga, dont play with me," you flipped him off, "i have a wax appointment tomorrow actually, can you take me?"

"i forget you have no car," he got up to wash his hands, you following suit and grabbing your toothbrush.

"saving for college, pre-med is not for the poor," you said before brushing.

"ill pay all of it off after i win the world cup," he pulled the front of his pants down, using the bathroom right in front of you, "didnt even flush.." he muttered to himself.

you glanced over at his hardening length, him catching you immediately.

"stop looking, its still soft," he turned his body to his back facing you. a giggle escaped your lips as you finished brushing your teeth.

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