Teamwork 7

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Sonic was furious, kidnapping his friends to get him. What the hell?

"Sonic!" Shadow yelled grabbing his hand.

"I want to save them as much as you do but we are going to have to-" Shadow paused for a minute. "-To work together, as a team, Eggmans doing this so he can get to you, you know that, we need an accurate plan." Shadow said.

Everyone was surprised by what he had said but they didn't have time to talk about that. Sonic took a deep breath and nodded his head.

"What's the plan Shadow?" Amy asked, holding her hammer. Everyone gathered around him.


"Sonic should be here any minute, now I just have to make sure the others are out the way." Eggman said.

He left Knuckles and Rouge and went to the other room.

"Rouge?" Knuckles asked. Rouge laid against the back wall of the cage with her head down.

"Yea?" Rouge said putting her head up.

"We're going to get out of here don't worry." Knuckles held her hand.

"It's just I never been-caught before, I'm use to helping and now I feel useless, I don't want to be helped,I want to help and I can't." Rouge said looking around.

Knuckles tilted his head but quickly understood what she was talking about. "Well since we can't really do anything-..wait there's a key on one of the robots. I have an idea" Knuckles said to Rouge.

Knuckles told Rouge the plan to get out of the cage.

"Ready?" Knuckles asked.

"Ready." Rouge said.

"You!" Knuckles said to the robot. The robot turned.


"She isn't feeling too well can you check on her?" Knuckles asked.

"No,It could be an easy way for you to escape." The robot said.

"If she gets sick, it'll be your fault and you'll be the one in trouble." Knuckles said Crossing his arms.

The robot rolled his eyes and opened the cage.

"Don't even think of escaping because you'll be the one in trouble." The robot said.

The robot went to Rouge. Knuckles slowly went behind the robot and BAM took his head smooth off. Knuckles took the keys and the two went out.

"Do you know where we're going?" Rouge asked.

"Sure I do, we're almost there."Knuckles said.

The two we're on a metal walkway. Both sides of the walkway had nothing but a bottomless pit.

"I wonder how the others are doing." Rouge asked.

"They'll be fine, plus we're on our way to find them so we can beat Eggmans ass, speaking of he's going to be looking for us soon." Knuckles said.

"Hm, you're a lot more talkative now aren't you?" Rouge said.

Knuckles rolled his eyes.

"Oh shut up, like you don't talk all the time." Knuckles said.

Rouge stopped and put a hand on her hip.

"Aren't you just annoying?" Rouge said.

Knuckles turned and looked at her. He narrowed his eyes at her .

"And you're so damn extra!" Knuckles growled.

Rouge laughed.

"Don't you get mad easily?" Rouge said.

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