What's happening with this story?

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Alright guys, I apologize for the 5 year hiatus on this fanfic. I understand how much it sucks when an author doesn't continue a fanfic you like, but I am an adult with a life. I don't have all the time in the world to write and that sucks. In the last 5 years I was busy with college, working, and now my current full time job of being a parent. I love writing, but it's not something I tend to have time for when I have two children that insist on being attached to me 24/7.

Writers block was the beginning of the struggle and then my depression came back and then the general uncertainy about where my life was going was the straw that broke the camel's back. You probably don't really care about me too much personally and are just here for information on what's happening with the fanfic so I'll stop myself from rambling anymore.

Once again I apologize for the extended silence and the uncertainty of whether I would ever continue this fanfic. I'll tell you right now though that I really don't know for sure whether it'll happen or not. I would love to because I love this fic but please no one get their hopes up.

I am so happy that you guys liked my writing at all and fingers crossed that I find time to write sometime soon.

~ B

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