{4} Jason POV

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{Special Jason POV! I actually might do a few in his POV but probably not too many. Who knows?}

"Hey, there's the others." I point to a couch that our friends have monopolized.

"Jason! Nico!" Leo shouts and comes over to hug us. He then drags me off to talk.

"What's up, man?" I ask.

"Now's your chance." I give him a questioning look. "To ask out Nico!"

"Shh, keep your voice down. I'd prefer everyone at this party not to think that I'm a raging homo."

"But you are a raging homo." He whispers.

"Oh shut up." I roll my eyes. "Besides, I can't ask you-know-who out because I don't know how you-know-who feels."

"Exactly! If he's drinking then he'll be more truthful and open minded. Plus, if it goes bad, he might not even remember!" He explains to me excitedly like he just revealed the cure for cancer.

I sigh. "I don't know..."

"Don't second guess yourself, you can do it! You're freaking Jason Grace!" Leo says waving his arms around enthusiastically and almost hitting some poor girl in the face.

I chuckle and give in. "Alright, I'll make a move." He cheers and I grab another drink.


After talking to Leo for a bit I went to find Nico. That, however, was not who I found first.

"Well, hey there, four eyes." I turn around to glare at Will lurking in the corner of the otherwise currently empty hallway. "Where's Nico? Or did he get rid of you too?"

"He didn't get rid of me and I don't really think his whereabouts are your business."

"Oh please, a month ago everything he did was my business." He states.

"I'm starting to guess why Nico broke up with you. You've been coming off as a very controlling person to me lately."

He huffs. "I was the best thing to happen to that wimp." My blood starts to boil. How dare he call him that. "He should've been thanking me for spending my time on him, but he wouldn't even give me a good blow-"

I can't take this anymore; I punch him hard in the face and he falls to the floor. "Stay the hell away from him."

"I see he's got you whipped." He rubs at his bruising cheek. "Don't waste your time with him he's not worth it."

He starts to get up and I give him a swift kick to the ribs. "Fucking touch him again, I dare you. See what happens then." I threaten and stomp away to find Nico.


After searching a few rooms upstairs, I decide to look outside. I scan the backyard and spot a black haired boy in a band shirt and black jeans. Bingo! "Nico?"

He turns around, "Jason!" He shouts and stumbles into my arms.

I hold him up and chuckle. "You okay there, Neeks?"

"Never better." He smiles up at me in an adorable way. "Wow. You're so tall. Like a...giraffe." He points out and starts giggling.

"Okay Nico, I think it's time to go home now." I try to get him to start walking with me but he just yawns and buries his face into my chest.

"Mhm." He mumbles.

After a few minutes I finally start guiding him back into the house and through the mass of intoxicated bodies. "Why were you by yourself?" I ask him.

"You're the one who left me." He tells me, making me feel guilty for leaving him after promising I wouldn't.

"Yeah, with Percy and Annabeth. Where'd they go?" They wouldn't ditch him, right?

He shrugs. "Don't know...don't care...just wanna sleep..." I sigh. We aren't going to get anywhere like this. Reaching around him, I grab him by the legs and lift him up.

"Let's just get you out of here, yeah? You need to sober up and go to bed."

He wraps his arms around me and nuzzles against my neck. "Thank you, Jasey-poo." He giggles. "That rhymed."

I blush. "Gods, I've still got a long night ahead of me."


When I finally get Nico into my car and back to his house, he refuses to let me leave.

"You have to stay." He says while clumsily tripping up his stairs. He started sobering up a bit after I made him drink a bottle of water, but he still isn't too steady on his feet yet.

"If you drink more water and sleep I'll stay." I relent.

"I promise, scouts honor."

"You were never a scout, Nico."

"Pfft, could you imagine me learning skills in the woods? That sounds terrible. No thank you sir, not for me."

I laugh as we walk into his room. "Okay, let's get you to bed now."

He jumps on his bed. "Who are you, my mother?"

I roll my eyes at him and shake my head, standing by the door. "Fine, don't sleep then."

He yawns and lays back. "Although my bed is rather comfy..." I turn to leave. "Hey, where you going? Come sleep with me."

I blush a little. Stupid brain, that's not at all what he meant and you know it. "I was just going to go to the spare room..." I gesture across the hall.

"No, just stay here." He pats the space beside him. "It's not like we haven't done it before."

I hesitate and then settle down beside him. For a few minutes there's silence and I start to wonder if he fell asleep. "Hey, Neeks?"


I roll onto my side and prop my head up in my hand and he turns over to look at me. "I, uh..."

He rubs his eye a little in a tired way. "You can tell me anything, you know that right?"

I stare at him in thought. I analyze every bit of his face -- from his dark eyes, to his cute nose and down to his lips -- then I lean in and kiss him.

{Sorry for ending on a bit of a cliffhanger there, but not really}

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