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{Gosh okay sorry life and school are kicking my ass so writing this got pushed to the back burner but here's a chapter}

By the time we arrive at the party, I've decided that I want to live out the rest of my life in Jason's car.

"Come on, Nico. It won't be that bad." Jason says.

"Just come inside with us and if you don't enjoy yourself in a few hours we'll leave." Piper adds. "Or at least you and Superman will leave and I'll stay here and make out with Reyna." Jason elbows her lightly.

I reluctantly step out of the car. "Alright fine, you've got an hour to prove to me that parties are fun."

They start smiling at eachother like the cheshire cat and I start rethinking agreeing to this.


Stepping into Ethan's house is like walking right into a party scene from any stereotypical high school movie. The music is loud enough that I can feel the vibrations throughout my body and there's so many people here that I've started to sweat; whether it's from my anxiety or the amount of people causing me to feel claustrophobic, I'm not sureㅡprobably both.

I unconsciously move closer to Jason. "There's a lot of people here." I say, looking around for anyone else I might know.

"Yeah, Ethan's parties usual get a pretty good turn out." He replies, grabbing a blue cup off a table of refreshments.

"I see Reyna so ima just, yeahㅡbye!" Piper shouts and disappears in the crowd.

"And then there were two." I mumble.

"Hey, there's the others." Jason's points to a couch that our friends have monopolized.

"Jason! Nico!" Leo shouts and comes over to hug us. He then drags Jason off for something. So much for Jason and Piper showing me a good time.

I sit down on the couch next to Annabeth. "Hey Neeks." Percy says from her other side and she gives a small 'hey', barely taking her attention away from her book.

"So..." I glanced around awkwardly, "What are you guys up to?"

"Well Annie refuses to leave this couch and I'm waiting for something interesting to happen; a fight or something is bound to break out eventually. Right now though I'm kind of bored." Percy sighs.

"Why did you even come?" I ask.

"I honestly don't know anymore." He takes a sip of his drink. "Free alcohol?"

I roll my eyes and chuckle. "Sounds about right."

"Want some?" He offers me his cup.

"I don't know..." Getting drunk at my first party might not be a good idea.

"Come on, Neeks. Live a little." But...

Annabeth looks up from her book. "Here take mine, I don't want it." She puts a red cup in my hands.

...when in Rome, right?


One hour, two missing friends, and three cups of mystery drink later lands me on the dance floor. Where did Percy and Annabeth go? No clue. Do I care anymore? Not really. I do have one problem though; I have to pee.

I make my way through all the people dancing and search for a bathroom. After I finally found one unoccupied and do my business, I decide to go outside for fresh air. Or more like I was going to go back to the room where people were dancing but I got lost and ended up outside instead.


I turn around, "Jason!" I shout and stumble into his arms.

He holds me up and chuckles. "You okay there, Neeks?"

"Never better." I smile up at him. "Wow. You're so tall. Like a...giraffe." I break into a laughing fit.

"Okay Nico, I think it's time to go home now."

My eyes start getting droopy and I bury my face into his chest. "Mhm." I mumble.

He starts guiding me back into the house and through the mass of intoxicated bodies. "Why were you by yourself?"

"You're the one who left me." I point out.

"Yeah, with Percy and Annabeth. Where'd they go?"

I shrug. "Don't know...don't care...just wanna sleep..." He sighs and reaches around me to grab the back of my thighs. "Wha-" He lifts me up so he can carry me.

"Let's just get you out of here, yeah? You need to sober up and go to bed."

I wrapped my arms around him and nuzzled my face into his neck. "Thank you, Jasey-poo." I giggled. "That rhymed."

"Gods, I've still got a long night ahead of me." He mutters.

Blame It On The Alcohol [Jasico Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now