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"So," Jason says, propping up his head with his hand, "we kissed, we started dating, we snuggled, we talked about the latest marvel movie trailer, now what?"

"I stay over because it's now…" I check my phone. "2:47 and I'm tired."

He lays his head back down on his pillow.  "Fair enough. I think you'll fall asleep faster if we cuddle though so come back here." He pulls me in to be the little spoon.

"Oh no. Stop. Don't." I deadpan while getting comfortable and closing my eyes.


After hanging out all day on Sunday I had to go home because of school the next day. Somehow I managed to part myself from my best friend turned boyfriend with a quick kiss (definitely not a 10 minute makeout at his front door) and a promise that he'd pick me up for school the next day.


Ew school again.

Buzz buzz

I'll be there in 10

I quickly change my clothes and run downstairs to find something to eat.

"Good morning, Nico." My stepmom sits at the table, finishing off a cup of coffee.

"Morning Persephone."

"Do you need a ride to school? I'm heading out to the flower shop soon."

"No thanks, Jason will be here soon." I throw an apple in my backpack and I'm filling up a to go cup with coffee when the doorbell rings. "Speak of the devil. Bye Persephone. "

"Have a good day hunny."

I start munching on a granola bar as I sling my backpack over my shoulder and open the door. "Good, my chauffeur is here." I say as I close the door behind me.

"Chauffeur, huh, I don't think that was the new title we settled on yesterday."

"Hmm…no I think it was." I chuckle as we get in his car.

"No, I think it started with a B."

"Oh yeah, you're my biggest fan."

"Very funny Nico."

"Funny and true." I lean over and give him a peck on the lips. "Now drive me to school, boyfriend chauffeur."

"Close enough."


I rest my forehead against my locker and close my eyes. I feel someone come wrap their arms around me and I stiffen.

"Classes suck again?" Jason says and I sigh in relief.

"Yeah, math sucks." I turn around and rest my forehead on his shoulder instead. "Take me to lunch please and find me something good to eat."

We walk to lunch and find a bunch of our friends already at a table.

"You sit down and I'll find you something good." Jason says and goes off towards the food.

I sit down next to my sister. Frank is on the other side of her and Percy and Leo are across from us.

"So are you guys a thing now then or..?"

"Way to be subtle Leo." Hazel says and turns to me. "But are you though? No one has gotten an update from either of you since Saturday."

"Yes, we are together now."

"Woah woah woah. What did I miss?" Percy has wide eyes and he's looking around at everyone confused.

The latino pats the green eyed boy's back. "Jason and Nico kissed after the party on Friday and now they're dating."

"Oh. Wow, ok. Congrats man." He gets up and comes around the table to hug me.

"Please get off me."

"Excuse me, why are your hands on my man?" Jason comes up behind Percy and puts two trays of food on the table.

I start laughing and Percy goes back to the other side of the table after doing a bro hug with Jason. "Nah man he's all yours, I like blondes." Then he winks at Jason and Leo smacks him upside the head.

I avert my attention to the trays of food. "What'd you get me?"

"There's a bit of everything so eat whatever off either tray and I'll eat what you don't want."

I squint my eyes at him. "What if I want everything?"

"Then I starve?"

"Welcome to the boyfriend of a di Angelo club. Sometimes they eat all our food and it's our job to just be happy they're happy." Frank says solemnly.

Hazel glares at him. "I don't eat that much."

"Of course you don't, my love."

"Oh my gods I'm so mad I'm late." Piper stops at our table out of breath. "What'd I miss? How's my lovebirds? I got caught up staring at Reyna–I mean with homework–and ran here as soon as I remembered."

"The Jasico ship is sailing and also don't date a di Angelo because they'll eat you out of house and home apparently." Hazel throws an eraser at Leo from her bag.

"Noted. Though if Reyna was out of the picture, Bianca is hot."


At the end of the day it was not the blonde that I wanted waiting at my locker.

"Whatever you're here for–I don't care, no thanks, go away."

"Oh, I miss you too baby."

"So you just came here to annoy me then."

"No, I wanted to talk."

I start walking towards the exit. "You can talk, but it doesn't mean I'll listen."

"I heard you have a new blonde to play with so I just thought I'd remind you of our time together." He slips something small and flat in my hand and walks away. "Bye babe."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2023 ⏰

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