Chapter 2

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"So Charles, welcome to my humble home!" Mads said making a grand arm movement at the rest of the house, "I am so sorry about the mess, I'm moving to university so it's a bit chaotic" she blurted out realising the mess her house was. "It's still cleaner than my house on a day to day basis" Charles said trying to assure her it was more than okay.

"Would you like to have a warm shower? I can try and find something for you to wear?" Mads asked walking towards a massive cupboard to look for some men's clothes. "Are you sure you don't want to shower first? It is your house" he replied not wanting to be an inconvenience.

"Yea, I just showered before I cam out so I'm not gonna shower... I'll show you to the bathroom" "thank you so much" said they arrived at the bathroom. With a smile on her face Mads left to go find Charles some clothes, "errmmmmm that should work" she said to herself in triumph when she finally found some mens sweatpants and hoodie.

Now being alone she had the time to come to her senses and remember the storm, "it's gonna get worse, isn't it?" She said looking up to the roof sending a silent pray for it not to get to bad... having a panic attack in flounder of Charles was not on her to do list for this evening.

"Charles I got you-" Mads was saying when the door opened to the bathroom revealing Charles's bare chest in front of her with a towel wrapped around his waist. "Thank you" he said taking the clothes and clothing with a great full smile.

"What the fuck?" Mads whispered under her breath still standing by the door in awe of what she just saw, since the beginning she thought he was attractive but that was another level. "You okay?" Charles said now in the clothes that fitted perfectly, snapping her out of her little daydream.

"Uhhhh yea, do you want anything to eat?" "What do you have?" "Nothing" Madyson said busting out laughing, "I have popcorn and noodles?" She said with a crooked smile on her face trying not to laugh. "I think I'm good, thanks" Charles said chuckling.

Umm, it's not that late... do u want to watch a movie or something...." Madyson mumbled scared of rejection. "Can I pick the movie?" He said with shimmer of hope in his eyes, "yes, you can pick the movie" she said as Charles squealed and ran to her tv.

"CARS! YOUR JOKING!" Madyson said laughing so hard as she sat down on the couch with Charles as the movie started, "what! Is a cinematic masterpiece" Charles argued back willing to defend his favourite movie with his life. " no I love it! It was my favourite movie as a kid" Mads said setting into the couch.

As the movie finished Charles let out a big yawn, "do you want to sleep in my bed?, I'll make up a bed for me on the couch" "no, this is your house I'll sleep on the couch" charles said refusing to be more of an inconvenience that he already was but before Madyson could reply a big bang of thunder rang through the sky followed by the whole sky flashing white for a second from the lighting. With the wind picking up a lard tree was now brushing against the roof causing a soft but terrifying noise and before Madyson knew it her lungs were struggling to let air in and her eyes filled with tears as the flashbacks started.

"Madyson? Are you okay?" Charles said moving over on the couch to her with a very worried expression on his face, "I- I- can't b-breath" was all she managed to get out before Charles had grabbed her hands in his and started talking.

"I have 2 bothers, a younger one called Arthur and and older one called Lorenzo. My moms name is Pascale and she is a hairdresser, My dad past away when I was 19. Tell me about your family?" Charles said trying to distract her from the panic. "Umm, I am an only child, I always wanted siblings. My mom works as a therapist and my dad is retired but he was a business owner. Madyson said though her stuttering and sobs.

"My favourite colour is red, what is yours?" Charles said continuing to question her as her breathing slowly came back to normal. " I hate red, it's always been associated with bad memories, my favourite colour is purple." Madyson said slowly becoming calm and able to talk properly.

After she was finally calm she opened her eyes again. "How did you know what to do?" Mads asked very confused, " I used to get panic attacks when my dad died, there was an awkward silence for a bit before Mads spoke up. "I'm so about your dad, and thank you for helping me, I'm really scared of storms."

"No problem," but before Charles could say more the phone rang. "I need to get that," Mads said as she got up to the phone and answered. "Yes, Phoenix I'm still alive." She said before explaining what  happened that evening purposely leave put the part of the panic attack.

"Let me see this Charles guy! I need to know see if he could be a potential killer or a potential match", Phe said before requesting a video call. "Charles my friend wants to see that your not a killer." Mads said handing Charles the phone, "oh it's definitely the latter" Phe said referring to Charles's extremely attractive face,

"Wait a minute? THATS MOTHER FUCKING CHARLES LECLERC!" Phe screamed at the phone making Charles body freeze and sending a wave of confusion over Madyson's face. "What? Isn't that the racer guy you swear is in love with his teammate?" Mads said laughing but also now remembering why Charles looked familiar.

"Phe I'll call you tomorrow." Mads said and before giving her friend a chance to respond she hang up. "So your one of those super famous F1 drivers." Mads asked sitting down on the couch again looking at Charles, "you watch F1?" Charles asked a small smile threat to make an appearance on his face, "well kinda, I don't watch it now but as a kid I was super obsessed with Ferrari. My best friend also is a massive fan still and never shuts up about it, so I might not watch it anymore but I know that you are Charles Leclerc, Monegasque Ferrari driver who drives with the number 16 and might be the only person on this planet who is more unlucky than me." Mads said giving Charles a warm smile.

"So your not gonna treat me differently?" Charles asked a smile now defiantly present on his face. "Nope, your still the Charles from the rain." Mads said smiling trying to put him at ease. "Do you want to watch another movie?" "CARS 2!" Charles said laughing putting the movie.

But within 5 minutes Madyson was fast asleep on Charles's chest with his arms wrapped around her waist, "Please let this be more than a one time thing Mads" he whispered as he kissed her head and turned the TV off lying down to go to sleep still not letting go of Madyson, knowing she was scared to death of the storm.

This was not proof read, sorry! Hope u like it ❤️

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