Chapter 13

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5 days later, back in Monaco (Wednesday)

"Your giving me a headache" Mads groaned glaring at her boyfriend who was lying down on the bench, "please just spot me for one more set" Charles pouted, sweat dripping off his forehead.

"The doctor told you to take it easy" Mads explained, "I know love, but I feel fine and it's Monaco next week, I need to train, especially cause Emilia is coming and I want to win for her... and you" Charles replied stubbornly. Sighing knowing he would lift the stupid bar even if she didn't help.

"Fine, but if it lands on you...." Mads trailed off worried about what would happen if the weighted bar landed on her boyfriend. "Then I have my own personal doctor, now less talking more lifting" he said before dropping the bar down to his chest and lifting it again, his arms slightly shaking as he counted one.

"4, 5" he finished finally, wobbling slightly as he placed the bar back on the stand. "Happy?" Mads asked rolling her eyes at her stubborn man, "I will be when I get a cuddle" he replied cheerfully sitting up and opening his arms out.

"Oh hell nah, I have a 10 hour shift at the hospital and I don't want to spend it covered in your sweat" Mads said walking to leave his apartment.

"Do you want me to bring you food or anything when I come to speak to Jason?" Charles asked stopping her from leaving out the door. "I still don't know why Jason wants to talk to you but could you please bring me a hoodie?" Mads asked leaning over slightly to press a kiss to his check before closing the door behind her.


"Hey man, good to meet you" Jason said sitting down across from Charles in the hospital cafeteria. "Hey, yea it's really great to meet you," Charles replied. "So look, I know it's not my place but Madyson really loves you... I mean she quite literally never shuts up about you." He explained quite hesitantly "I really love her too" Charles instantly replied with no doubt.

"I know, and it's not might place to tell you the details but she's been through a lot so please every now and then just make sure that she's okay." Jason explained almost whispering, "I promise I would never hurt her... but is she okay? Like can't you tell me what's wrong." Charles asked almost pleading, worry creasing her forehead.

"Im sorry I cannot that's up to her. But also thank you so much for what you did Emilia, she can't wait to go to the Grand Prix this weekend she won't stop telling all the nurses about it." Jason laughed slightly at the lights topic, "it's my pleasure, but I actually need to head out. We have meetings at the track today, please give this to Madyson." Charles said standing up to leave "yes, will do man, great to meet you." Jason said also leaving.

Sunday of the Monaco GP

"I can't, mon cœur... what if I crash again?" Charles said pacing around the room as Madyson desperately tried to stop him. "Sh,shhhh it's okay... your not gonna crash okay?" Mads hummed leaning her forehead against his, not quite sure if she was telling him or herself.

"I not scared about getting hurt or crashing, I'm scared for you.... If I get hurt I don't wanna-" He said slowly trailing off not wanting to finish that train thought. "I love you and I know you won't crash okay? Your going to go out and win for me and Emilia? Your not gonna leave me" she mumbled placing her lips on his to silence his worries. "Now, go" she said placing one last kiss on his temple.

"come on Charles!" The little girl screamed from Mads arms, watching Charles fight Lewis for the lead. Emilia was finally given the all clear to come to a race and she had picked to watch Monaco, now she was sitting in the Ferrari garage with Mads, little headphones coving her ears. She was still yet to meet Charles because he had been so busy during the weekend.

"Come on my love" Mads whispered softly as the two drivers rounded the final corner, both drivers still in to win. "AND FOR THE FIST TIME EVER CHARLES LECLERC WINS HIS HOME RACE. GE IS THE WINNER OF THE MONACO GRAND PRIX"

"Oh my gosh! He did it" Mads said jumping up and down tears streaming down her cheeks from happiness. Holding onto Emilia tight she ran out the garage to the podium celebration getting there just as the nation anthem of monaco started. Not knowing the words the two girls stood below the podium softly humming and bouncing their heads.

"Now it's time for champagne" the commentator said over the speakers as Charles and the other drivers came to the end spraying champagne all over the crowd including Mads and Emilia.

"Hey Emilia" Charles said walking back into the garage go be greeted by the two girls. "Hi" Emilia said tears suddenly covering her face and sobs coming from her mouth. "This is the best day ever" she said stuttering and hiccuping trying to wipe her face. "Come here" Charles said crouching to his knees bracing the young girl in a hug, rubbing her back up and down.

"That win was for you,  my friend Jules, and my Papa" he said as the young girl cringed onto him. "My Papa is gone, is yours also?" The young girl asked her big eyes looking at Charles. "Yes, and my friend Jules... they are with your papa, in heaven. But they are not gone, they are watching over us and will always love us" Charles said with a soft slime. "But come now, let's celebrate." He said standing up and walking around the garage with Emilia sitting on his hip. Enjoying being carried around.

Between hugging his engineers his eyes caught on Mads, "I love you" he mouthed across the garage, a smile on his face. "Love you too" she mouthed back blowing a kiss in the air giggling a bit to herself. He was her boyfriend."


This is absolutely shit I am so sorry, I have been sooo busy with school! I promise to try and post soon and better chapters, the story is about to get interesting. Again I am so sorry for the bad chapter and the wait. I really am trying my best. I am a grade 8 so only 13... it's my birthday in 16 days at least but I start exams soon 😭😭

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