chapter 1: 9 the fall of man

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pov y/n
Woke up to another terrible day since my and my older sister ,father died sometimes you wonder how it might have been if he was alive .
-Wake up lazy, you won't sleep all day - This is my sister s/n
- Already, sister.
- ok you have breakfast and lunch for school eat and you're out of the snot.
-All right .
The whole day passed as usual I'm worried about what my sister will do to me for failing the math test after twenty minutes I was home and it was as expected.
-You're ignorant here, you failed your math test yes .-she said .
"Yes," - powiedziałem przerażonym głosem.
- weren't you supposed to study for it?
- I was learning.
-so why did you fail. -she shouted and I sat silently.-answer me boor.
- the questions were very hard.
- you won't lie to me, you didn't learn mogul what you live for, it would be better if you left once and for all. -  Screaming, she took a knife and cut a scar under your eye.
I left without saying anything, but I thought to myself that he's right, now I know what to do . I jumped noiselessly out of the window and ran up the ebontt.
- Okay, it pops up.
(Author: sorry it's short but this is my first story

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